Berto Jongman: USA #99 on Global Peace Index YouTube (2:41)

Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Peace is quantifiable, based on measurable fundamentals.

One Of The Most Important Lists I've Ever Seen, And The United States Is In 99th Place. Yikes.

Gabe Stein, Upworthy

These fine folks had the brilliant idea to quantify peace and rank all the countries in the world. Unfortunately, the United States isn't doing so hot right now. We're — you guessed it — 99th out of the 162 countries on the list. How do we fix that? Take a look, and make sure to stick around until 2:01, when they explain why this list isn't just an exercise but could really change the way we think about minimizing conflict and achieving real world peace.


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