Berto Jongman: Child abuse scandal raises disturbing questions about UK establishment

06 Family, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Child abuse scandal raises disturbing questions about UK establishment


The UK’s child abuse scandal, rooted in the media, Westminster and the Royal Family and personified by serial abuser and BBC personality Jimmy Savile, has been shocking enough. But far more insulting to the victims, the nation and the world is the Cameron government’s attempt, in early July, to institute two separate child abuse inquiries led by establishment figures who, due to family and work connections, immediately faced suspicions of possible conflicts of interest.

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Phi Beta Iota: We believe the same situation exists in the USA, but is far worse, with a very widespread network that specializes in kidnapping children and selling babies taken from unwed mothers, into short lives of sexual slavery and abuse. This is a very big cultural bomb waiting to explode — and the FBI is absolutely not going to try to defuse the bomb by doing its job.

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