Two Reports Predicting the Future of Humanity Agree We're Not Totally Doomed
Two recent reports on the future of human civilization agree on one important point: We’re not totally screwed. “People around the world are becoming healthier, wealthier, better educated, more peaceful, and increasingly connected, and they are living longer,” concluded the Millennium Project’s 2013-2014 State of the Future, an annual report card on the future of civilization.
A second study—The World in 2025: 10 Predictions in Innovation—had a similarly optimistic take on the coming decade. Collated by Thomson Reuters, the list of predictions include solar power becoming the dominant power source on the planet, babies routinely getting their genomes mapped to assess future disease risk, and teleportation evolving into a legitimate transportation method (albeit for non-human matter).
The one area that the studies significantly clashed over was access to healthy food.