Tom Atlee: Beyond Blocks to Caring

Cultural Intelligence
Tom Atlee
Tom Atlee

The social systems we live in – cultural, economic, political, and the rest – often make it difficult to effectively care. Understanding better the systemic realities that block our caring can help clarify how we need to change our lives and our societies. Here I explore some of the dynamics involved with money, time, distraction, complexity, individualism, and public relations – and new directions being pioneered by many among us, noting their common roots in caring.

Moving beyond systemic blocks to caring


Here are some of the systemic forces that alienate us from the life in and around us and block our caring energy:

▪ Money – and the reductionist statistics, profits, interest, and speculation that have accumulated in and around our money-based economies.

▪ Speed, pace, lack of time, and lack of deep time.

▪ Distraction, addiction, consumerism, and jobs.

▪ Complexity of connection, systems, issues.

▪ The cult of individualism and separateness.

▪ …the rapidly developing power of marketing, public relations, and advertising

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