Local Bill of Rights and Responsibilities
This Local Bill of Rights and Responsibilities Template forks and extends the CELDF's Community Bill of Rights Template (.pdf). The Bill is an innovative legal framework to empower local governance, over one hundred municipal campaigns within the United States and been credited for stopping hydrofracking in several cities and been spread as far as Europe by Occupy Law in the UK.
This Draft introduces the following nine ingredients to the original in order to strengthen and universalize it's application today: it creates a process to uniquely identify the Divine Source of Rights and Responsibilities, sites more authoritative texts such as the Declaration of Independence, introduces Responsibilities, honors critical treaties and documents of Indigenous Nations, focuses Rights and Responsibilities on the Stewardship of the Commons, it defines the Locality with distinct forms of participation and stages of development, creates a process for Localities to identify rogue corporations, sets a precedence for hyperlinked and open source legal innovation, and facilitates Localities to connect, support, and coordinate through a completely Open Source Learning System Reclaim, to work across a coherent campaign with the Open Source Imperative and People's Patent Process in any enacting governing body and to directly Ally with First Nations Treaties and peoples Haudenosaunee, Algonquin and Lanape Nations. This Bill is written in harmony with The TAO.
Tip of the Hat to Edward “Ted” Hall (@TedwardHall)
See Also:
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