Sen. Sanders Joins the Race: A Campaign of Capitulation?
“We can elect the best in the world to be president, but that person will get swallowed up unless there is an unprecedented level of activism at the grassroots level.”
Remember, all US wars involve a defense of the capitalist economy and, consequently, a belief in that economy’s superiority. Bernie Sanders actions make it clear he shares that belief.
Phi Beta Iota: Bernie Sanders is a fraud. If he were for real, he would be running on a single issue, Electoral Reform, and not only introducing the Electoral Reform Act of 2015 in the Senate right now, but also announcing a Coalition Cabinet and three key commitments: balanced budget, abolishment of the present tax system in favor of the Automated Payment Transaction Tax, and full employment combined with enforcement of corporate social responsibility (true cost economics). Bernie does not play well with others, he is a one=man band, and can safely be called the lone piccolo.
See Also:
Democracy Lost Essay & Book Reviews
Open Power / Electoral Reform Home Page