Lawrence Lessig: 2016 Goal is Electoral Reform

Lawrence Lessig
Lawrence Lessig

Harvard professor considers 2016 run with single goal: electoral reform

Lawrence Lessig says he will run if he can raise $1m before Labor Day – and if he wins, he will resign as soon as he has passed a bill to achieve ‘citizen equality’

ROBERT STEELE: Lessig has been resistant for a very long time to viewing electoral reform as anything other than getting money out of politics. I have pointed out to him for years that it would make no difference as long as the two-party tyranny blocked all others from ballot access, gerrrymandered districts, manipulated media costs to make them unaffordable for others, committed ballot fraud, limited the debates, and so on. Now Lessig is evolving, but slowly and unrealistically. He has raised $27K against his $1M goal with less than 30 days to go — all the candidates he supported with his SuperPac the last go around lost. What he SHOULD be doing is embracing the call for an Electoral Reform Summit and an Electoral Reform Act of 2015 that is holistic and immediate. I have an article coming out in CounterPunch this week that outlines why Donald Trump should fund a national electoral reform push in the next 90 days. 2016 is ours to lose. Lessig — as with Peter Ackerman, Michael Bloomberg, Christina Tobin, and Richard Winger — and others — is an important voice but right now they are all wandering in the wilderness without focus. Electoral Reform is “root” and electoral reform has to be an “all in” proposition that unites the 70% who are not subservient to the two-party tyranny.

See Also:

Open Power Electoral Reform @ Phi Beta Iota

Financial Liberty at Risk-728x90
