Zika Virus May be First GMO Disaster of Planetary Ecosytem
Recent media reports of the explosive and alarming spread of the Zika virus appears to be due, according to this report, to the release of genetically modified mosquitos into the wild, which resulted from cross-breeding of the GM mosquito released with wild mosquitos, creating favorable conditions for the Zika virus to propagate itself. The area of Brazil where the GM mosquitos were released is the very same area where the “out of the blue” Zika outbreak emerged. In releasing the mosquitos in the wild, Maryland company, Intrexon, recently purchased by British company, Oxitec, failed to test what would happen from the unprecedented action of releasing Frankenstein mosquitos. No one anticipated the mosquitoes that were supposed to be infertile and die off are replicating and infecting humans with this horrific virus. We may be witnessing – and soon suffering over a massive area, or the entire planet – from the first large-scale GMO disaster of our ecosystem. Another article below states eugenics maven Bill Gates gave grant money to Oxitec, hence this may not be a “accident” if it results in population reduction.
Zika Outbreak Epicenter in Same Area Where GM Mosquitoes Were Released in 2015
Also see:
Zika Freakout: The Hoax and the Covert Op Continue
This article says that Oxitec was supplied with grant money from eugenics maven Bill Gates:
Is the Dreaded Zika Virus another Giant Scam?