If CSA said this publicly, it was a very risky move for him personally. Absolutely best thing I've seen attributed to him.
US Army Chief Sounds Alarm: Military at ‘High Risk’
WASHINGTON — Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley sounded the alarm that the US Army is currently in a state of “high risk” when it comes to being ready enough to defend the nation and respond to a large conflict. “On the ‘high military risk,' to be clear, we have sufficient capacity and capability and readiness to fight counterinsurgency and counterterrorism,” Milley said at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing Thursday. “My military risk refers specifically to what I see as emerging threats and potential for great power conflict and I am specifically talking about the time it takes to execute the task … and the cost in terms of casualties.”
ROBERT STEELE: CSA is right. What he does not say is that the USN and USAF are largely pork.– the infantry, 4% of the force that takes 80% of the casualties, receives 1% of the budget. Am halfway through writing a monograph for Carlisle on reinventing the Army, the bottom line is that Army cannot be reinvented without a) integrity at the OSD level; b) a grand strategy summit that closes bases and ends subsidies for foreign dictators while creating a WORKING 450-ship Navy and long-haul Air Force as well as $100B a year development fund rooted in Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE).
See Also:
Robert Steele: An American Grand Strategy
2015 Robert Steele: The National Military Strategy – Dishonest Platitudes