Amazon Kindle: The Syrian Missile Attack – Theatrics & House Cleaning?: McCain, Brennan, McMaster Behind False Flags? Funded by Israel & Saudi Arabia? (Trump Revolution Book 10)

Peace Intelligence, Worth A Look
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As this goes to press the US Department of State is lying to the public about what actually happened in Syria, and the US Department of Defense is lying to the public about the success of its faked attack on an abandoned air base.

In addition to the insider disclosure of the treason by Senator John McCain, former CIA Director John Brennan, and National Security Advisor Herbert McMaster, this updated edition includes links to Russian declarations not only the false flag that got this mess started, but additional false flags across Syria coming soon.

The Zionist end-game that the US neo-conservatives are support calls for the introduction of 150,000 US troops into Syria. If that happens, our President will lose his base – the Alt-Right is furious over the missile attack.

If WikiLeaks takes down the Republican Party with leaked documents including emails demonstrating pedophilia on the part of multiple Republican Senators and Representatives – and if Donald Trump does not act on the Electoral Reform Act – the Democrats could retake the House of Representatives in 2018, impeach him, and also – if 4 Republican Senators resign, commit suicide, or go to jail – convict him.

This expanded essay includes:

•an interview for the American Herald Tribune with Mohsen Abdelmoumen on how the White Helmets were paid to create the false flag attack

•all recent links from Phi Beta Iota Public Intelligence Blog on the Syrian pre-amble to World War III, and

•recent headlines about the false flag foundation for our President’s unconstitutional attack on Syria and his equally unconstitutional consideration of sending troops to Syria without a Congressional declaration of war.

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See Also:

Deep State @ Phi Beta Iota

Fake News @ Phi Beta Iota

False Flag @ Phi Beta Iota

Syria @ Phi Beta Iota

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