Day 4: $16,694 from 260 people, 7% of $250,000
Seeking 1,000 Founding Citizens by Monday – Click for IndieGoGo Page
Our IndieGoGo non-profit fund-raising campaign has gone live. We are seeking $250,000 to put Cynthia McKinney, Robert Steele and others on the road in June – September.
Here is the IndieGoGo page. This is an educational campaign that will encourage local constituents to print and demand of Members signature of the Integrity Act but we ourselves will not address any individual Member. Our sole purpose is to educate eligible voters with respect to the existence of the Election Reform Act and the possibility of their taking back the power this summer.
God Bless America — #UNRIG.
PLEASE share to Twitter and Facebook. IndieGoGo says that fund-raisers shared to Facebook tend to be twice as successful as those not shared.