Berto Jongman: CIA Murdered Western Politicians?

07 Other Atrocities
Berto Jongman

Ex-Pentagon Advisor Reveals How CIA Killed Western Politicians During Cold War

Baab and Harkavy's book, ‘In the Spider Web of the Secret Services: Why Were Olaf Palme, Uwe Barschel and William Colby Murdered?', takes aim at the CIA's suspected involvement in the officials' deaths. Based on secret documents from seven different intelligence agencies, conversations with former agents, toxicology reports, and consultations with experts, the book seeks answers to long-standing questions about who was responsible for what have become among the most high profile political death and suspected suicide cases of the 20th century.

State of the Nation: Las Vegas False Flag

07 Other Atrocities

The preliminary results of our PI investigation is that the “HARVEST Massacre” was a real slaughter.  Emerging Alt Media narrative that ‘nobody died’ in Vegas is categorically debunked

What has not been sufficiently investigated are the on-site shooters disguised as security personnel. That piece of the plot will throw light on the true purposes of this black op.

#GoogleGestapo: Robert Steele with Sarah Westall on Las Vegas Posted to Bitchute — YouTube Censorship Expands

Interviews OF Robert

YouTube, without any possible justification other than a Zionist attack on Robert Steele's speculation about Zionist engagement in Las Vegas massacre, deleted Sarah Westall's interview with Robert Steele.  This is legally actionable by her, as her entire account is now at risk of being totally deleted — the digital assassination that #GoogleGestapo has perfected. Steve Bannon is right — YouTube should be regulated as a public utility.  John McAfree is also right — we need a post-Google Internet where no information can be censored or manipulated.

Robert Steele: Las Vegas Massacre – A Hybrid False Flag, Treason, or an Act of War?

07 Other Atrocities, Cultural Intelligence, IO Deeds of War, Peace Intelligence
Robert David STEELE Vivas

NOTE: In light of Steve Pieczenik's accusation that Donald Trump personally approved this false flag, I feel compelled to say that I don't think he did;  now is the time to take down the Deep State. Las Vegas, horrible as it was, is a chance to reboot America.

Las Vegas Massacre: A Hybrid False-Flag, Treason, or an Act of War?

Robert David Steele

American Herald Tribune, October 6, 2017.

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