No assertions, make we. For consideration.
Clif High discussing C-60 in part of the video (this one caused the entire industry to sell out):
Tom Martin more detail about C-60 (largest and first company to sell it, this video flooded his company with orders.. over $100,000 the first weekend, he had to hire 7 more people just to fulfill orders):
Dr. Bill Andrews on his Telomere lengthening solution and trial (huge medical break thru): they use the money they make to give it to others who really need it for free. This is a research lab – You can get it in Avocado Oil or Olive Oil on their site, although they make it in coconut oil and others. But, not on their site. Most expensive, but they give to charity. They are less expensive and good quality, but only in Olive Oil. They are swamped and may not be able to fulfill the order right away, may have to wait a couple of weeks (working on increasing capacity). Tom Martin's company. Least expensive but only in Olive Oil.
This is powerful medicinal teas that will detox your body in all organs and blood. This tea is grown on the island of Kauai on the north side. Drink a cup a day, sometimes more sometimes less.
Trees are awesome for whole body healing, buy the leaf powder and take three tablespoons a day. This is a super food.