Berto Jongman: BBC Fabricates Film of Syrian Attack on Children — How Trama Simulations Are Taking Over Mainstream Media Reporting (and Supporting False Flag Attacks)

Commerce, IO Deeds of War, Military

Phi Beta Iota: We must not forget that BBC has been a funded subsidiary of the CIA for some time — the lack of integrity across our academic, government, law enforcement, and media institutions is now catastrosphic.

See Also:

Military Moulage – Combat Injury Simulation

US Army Medical Simulation Training Center (MSTC)

TraumaMan Computer-Managed Simulators (Includes Sound, Movement, Spurting Blood, Tissue Feel)

Our mission is to create a human mimic so perfect, participants feel truly immersed —in every procedural training. Just touch our tissues to feel the difference. You’ll see they look, feel, ultrasound, suture and bleed just like human.

Trauma F/X Web Sales Page for Simulators

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