This thirteen page document with 35 endnotes and close to 50 links, discusses the elements of the global financial reset that is occurring this week, and that will set the stage for a “big fix” in the Middle East. It provides a strategic information operations concept for Iran to consider that stomps down hard on the Zionist “secret” nuclear program funded by the US taxpayer that is easily ten times larger than Irans, and then outlines seven topics to be discussed at the presidential level after the existing nuclear deal is ratified:
1. Peace between the Sunnis and the Shi’ites.
2. Jerusalem and perhaps Mecca as international cities.
3. Restoration of Palestine.
4. Creation of the Kurdish Confederacy.
5. Repatriation of Unemployed Muslims from Europe & Reparations for Iraq.
6. Creation of a post-Western post-fossil fuel economy with unlimited desalinated water.
7. Creation of a regional and then global Open Source Agency and network.