Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Loves DoD Dollars

Commercial Intelligence
Stephen E. Arnold

Why Is Amazon Chasing DoD Work?

Next week I will describe some of our findings from what has been our Amazon “policeware” research. On June 5, 2018, I will post a video snippet from my presentation and issue a short article in this blog.

Other Arnold Posts on Amazon Below the Fold

Phi Beta Iota: Amazon is brilliant at getting others to pay their development bill. Netflix relied on Amazon's infrastruture, once Amazon had it figured out they created their own version of Netflix,  raised prices on Netflix to drive them out, and are now busy burying Netflix because they have a lower cost point. Amazon is not going to make the same mistakes Google made. DoD should be modifying all of its contracts with Amazon to provide protection for its existing vendors utilizing Amazon infrastructure, or they are going to find themselves with decapitated vendors and Amazon standing by with a rectal grin as the only cloud in town, take it or leave it.  Ditto CIA, DHS, local municipalities, Waze, etcetera.

See Especially:

Stephen E. Arnold: The Amazon Game Plan – a Cloud Monopoly that Shuts Down Use of Amazon Infrastructure by all Others?

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon’s Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) — The Ultimate Censorable, Manipulable Walled Garden, a World Brain Of, By, and For the Zionists?

Stephen E. Arnold: Cost Comparison of Machine Learning Options — Amazon Most Expensive at High End (Where CIA and DoD Reside)

Stephen E. Arnold: MongoDB Files IPO — Should Amazon Be Their Target?

Stephen E. Arnold: Survey of the Cloud — Amazon Winning with Fencing?

Stephen E. Arnold: Is Amazon Self-Destructing?

Stephen E. Arnold: Finding Books — the Failure of Amazon, Google, and Commercial Catalogs — Findability Zero…

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon (and CIA) Breaking Oracle — the Surveillance State Goes Open Source

Stephen E. Arnold: Does Amazon Lack Integrity? Where is Due Diligence on Authorship (Including Kindle Spam Fraud Books from Pakistan and India)?

Stephen E. Arnold: Is Amazon the New Enron?

Stephen E. Arnold: Pricing the Cloud – Amazon Web Services Not Worth It For Most

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Global Computing – Cheaper

Stephen E. Arnold: Social Media and News – Amazing Graphic + Comment on Amazon & Wikipedia

Stephen E. Arnold: Search Squared + How Amazon Rules

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Growth, Search, & Costs — the Google Killer?

See Also:

Donald Trump: Amazon’s Free Ride is Over…and Washington Post Must Register as a Lobbyist! PLUS All Past (Negative) PBI Posts on Amazon — A Parade of Predatory Capitalism Pieces


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