ROBERT STEELE: Derek Peterson is one of the 24 minds that will be brought together in January to kick off the creation of the truth channel with cyber-value, cyber-tools, cyber-voice, and cyber-intelligence (decision-support). One log-in, one integrated ecology with its own embedded distributed economy. I want to thank the Anti-Defamation League (ADL, the Zionist secret police and censors) and their puppets across #GoogleGestapo (especially Facebook, Google, MeetUp, Twitter, and YouTube) for making so many people angry that rich people came to me with money while smart people came to me with solutions. God Bless America and may #GoogleGestapo rot in hell.
See Especially:
Robert Steele: Plans for Displacement of #GoogleGestapo UPDATE 2
Robert Steele: The Second American Revolution – Reflections on the Near Future
See Also:
How The Deep State Controls Social Media and Digitally Assassinates Critics
SPECIAL: MeetUp Bought by WeWork – Good Riddance!
Donald Trump: I Want My Own TV Network
#GoogleGestapo @ Phi Beta Iota