Donations Sought End of Year Tax Deductible

Robert David STEELE Vivas

EIN is an educational non-profit (501c3) that sponsors two free blogs, one mature (Phi Beta Iota) and one emergent (Alt-Gov.Net).

Seeking funds for accountant (tax return compliance is no longer comprehensible to nor achievable by a normal person), expenses related to the creation of, and travel.

A grant to On the Issues will be made if a sufficiency of funds are donated, we want Jesse Gordon to be able to compare cabinet candidates not just presidential candidates, and to show true costs of issue policy positions — we are not going to reinvent the wheel, On the Issues is the best place to do this. [It will be easier to get Jesse to consider these ideas if the grant comes through us — of course I encourage direct donations to him as well.]

EIN financial details below the fold.

UPDATED 20181211: EIN has been providing grants to others, $19,301.90 (the odd number includes a currency conversation for a grant to a peace newsletter in Norway) and has no assets.  Every penny goes to professional services, printing, shipping, travel, supplies, and the Internet. For the year to date our meticulous records show that we have spent $35, 584.90 on Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) endeavors; $27,352.73 for #UNRIG campaign; and $22,347.67 in support of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse including a trip to induct new Commissioner Jimmy Boots Rothstein, NYPD Retired.

We support Donald Trump as a pathfinder.  He opened the door and started the job.  He is not capable of finishing the job. That will fall to a coalition team that understands and implements grand strategy, a truth channel, a balanced budget, and the restoration of the Constitution as intended by the Founding Fathers.

Imagine a team that includes Cynthia McKinney, Jesse Ventura, Ralph Nader, Virgil Goode, Lisa Montogomery Kennedy, Bill De Blasio, and two others. Imagine this team barnstorming the country TOGETHER — all parties respecting one another, all parties agreeing to #UNRIG as the unifying premise that will restore integrity to our country.

Imagine a civil discussion — all parties and Independents in one room — of competing Cabinets, issues, and budgets (with true cost economics front and center, no hiding of the real costs).

Imagine a viable third candidate for President in 2019-2020 presenting a split ticket, a coalition cabinet, a balanced budget, and a dozen promises to the public based on national online voting prior to election day — legalization of marijuana, nationalization of the federal reserve, end of tax-payer funding for dictators and elective wars, end of the federal income tax, and more.

That is the educational, spirtual, political, financial, and cultural salvation idea I advance. We will illuminate the possibilities that both Donald Trump and Nancy Pelosi refuse to consider — they are both afraid of direct informed democracy.

The whole point of this endeavor is to force the issue with both Trump and Pelosi of #UNRIG: Election Reform Act of 2019 in time for CONGRESS in 2020 to consist of one third NOT Republican NOT Democratic — Constitution, Green, Justice, Libertarian, Reform, Working Families…

Every donor receives a thank you email from Robert and a Founding Citizen Certificate if they  wish. We are in a fight for the integrity of the Constitution, the Republic, and the United States of America — the Deep State would like nothing more than to see the USA break up the way Yugoslavia broke up, the way the United Kingdom is certain to break up.

Help if you can.


EIN IRS 501c3 Letter

Robert Steele & Cynthia McKinney: Former Representative and Intelligence Official Team Up to Unrig Elections

#UNRIG @ Phi Beta Iota

Financial Liberty at Risk-728x90
