Anthony Judge: Coping Capacity of Governance as Dangerously Questionable – Recognizing assumptions and unasked questions when facing crisis

Cultural Intelligence
Anthony Judge

Coping Capacity of Governance as Dangerously Questionable

Recognizing assumptions and unasked questions when facing crisis

Linked Table of Contents Below the Fold

Exploring the unsaid
Indicators of coping inability of governance
Distinguishing between “being unable to cope” and “collapse”?
Defensive postures of “governance-as-usual”
Factors inhibiting collective recognition of the incapacity of governance
Recognizing the “underside”: paradoxical challenge to achieving sustainable governance
Mystery of (re)production as a destabilizing challenge to governance
Imagining appropriate engagement with the coping incapacity of governance
Subtle dynamics of the Tao of governance: enhancing the binary?
Governance beyond the logical focus on true vs false?
Engaging opposition: cognitive “collapse” heralding a wider collapse?
Reframing the pattern of logical choices through polyhedra
From disorderly “collapse” to orderly “renaissance”

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