Steele, Robert, REINVENTING ENGINEERING: The Ultimate Hack — Creating a Prosperous World at Peace with Open Source Everything (Amazon CreateSpace, Earth Intelligence Network, 2020).
Holistic analytics, true cost economics, and Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) are the non-negotiable enablers of the post-Western economy, probably led by the Chinese since the Americans have refused to listen to me for 30 years. To create a prosperous world at peace, a world that works for all, we need the reinstall ethics as an operating system, refocus on human capital, and understand that online economies cannot exist in isolation — one reason I think Tencent might be positioned to bring its online-offline vision to the world, and be the primary actor in laying down a cyber-grid on top of the physical One Belt One Road.
Two companion volumes in Reinventing America series, below the fold.

Steele, Robert, REINVENTING INTELLIGENCE: 30 Years in the Wilderness (Trump Revolution 46) (Amazon CreateSpace, Earth Intelligence Network, 2019).
The secret world costs the U.S. taxpayer over $100 billion a year, and yet, according to General Tony Zinni, USMC (then Commanding General of the U.S. Central Command engaged in two wars and twelve joint task for actions) provides “at best” 4% of what a major commander needs (to which one can add, and nothing for everyone else.
I know from direct experience that we process 1% of what we collect which is 1% of what is published which is 1% of what is written which is 1% of what is known. The reality is that decisions are made every day at every level that are bought and paid for, not based on evidence, and not in the public interest.
This book of readings provides all that is required to reform U.S. intelligence so that it might honor the Constitution and serve the President, the Cabinet, the Congress, and the public.

Steele, Robert, REINVENTING NATIONAL SECURITY: Grand Strategy, Global Reality, and the U.S. Army — Everything Our President Is Not Being Told (Trump Revolution 45) (Amazon CreateSpace, Earth Intelligence Network, November 2019).
This book brings together three monographs on grand strategy, global reality, and re-inventing the U.S. Army as well as the rest of the Department of Defense — and in passing addressing needed changes in diplomacy, development, and intelligence, all of which are just as broken as the military.
The U.S. military today is 50% waste, committing crimes against humanity in over 100 countries — alongside CIA drone assassination operations — and generally not able to win a war nor maintain a peace. Our generals and admirals are not being held accountable for telling the truth — they are themselves sadly divorced from reality and unable to appreciate the truth even when it is presented to them.