The Steele Report: Questions Being Answered Today

Steele Report

The Steele Report consists of a text report each Monday and a  video in  two parts on Saturday — part one answers questions submitted in advance, and part two is interactive in taking questions from  those in attendance.

Below are the questions being answered in part one today at 1 PM Eastern.

  1. Seems to me the “international community” has agreed that history is to record Israel's innocence in the Beirut bombing. In my lifetime there has been one law for Israel and the West, namely America, France and the UK, and one for everybody else. I find it suffocating and haunting. Will we ever see justice on this planet? How do you keep the faith?
  2. i have the uncomfortable sense that weather modification has caused the record rains feeding the 3 gorges dam and that geo engineering could be used as the coup de grace. is china under some attack and from whom?
  3. It is stunning that so many people, including well educated professionals in science and medicine and technology and government and the media, have surrendered their integrity to the Deep State agendas. How is it possible that so many do not see the lies they are perpetrating and the lives they they are ending by their willing participation in the DS?
  4. What's behind Fulford assertion that it's a good guess neither Biden or Trump will be president next year?
  5. Have you any knowledge regarding the possible use of technology in the media to mind control viewers?
  6. What's next in Durham's process?
  7. Do you think Ben Garrison would be interested in coming up with a political cartoon featuring a Biden flotilla? I can envision an absolutely hilarious scene.
  8. Are there any resources you recommend to the general public to educate themselves on how to think like investigators/analysts? Are you able to divulge any such skills that you were taught by CIA?
  9. How do you parse wits between Trump's awesome powers and the at least equal ones in his military/Q support? We haven't seen this laser focus and kismet since Alexander.
  10. Ben Fulford reports that according to NSA sources, Robert Trump was murdered last week “after a truth tweetstorm that was quickly deleted.” What do your sources say?
  11. As someone to reads constantly, I really respect your ability to consume and review books. Do you recommend Newt Gingrich’s books about Trump?
  12. “The Demon In The Freezer” By by Richard Preston, says: “An FBI spokesperson, Sandra Carroll, told reporters that the September 11th and anthrax investigations were “not necessarily separate.” Have you heard that? Do you agree? How might they be related?
  13. Are there capabilities to broadcast (not taking about TV programs) FEAR to the populace, which then renders them “sheep”?
  14. Regarding the poleshift controversy, my question is whether the US government advised military retirees of a coming planet wide cataclysmic event to occur during their lifespan but didn't tell the public?
  15. Is Big Pharma is poisoning/ killing our pets with Rabies, Parvo, etc vaccines?
  16. Is one of the dishonest many taking/donation sites?

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