Alert reader writes in. Requires further investigation & documentation. On balance, this appears to reflect reality at the very top of the Zionist pyramid, not across the bottom of the Judaism pyramid.
Let us take a closer look at Zionism (which draws its members from all religions) and at Judaism;
- Harold Wallace Rosenthal was a very powerful Zionist Jew who stated in 1976: “Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer and we are his chosen people; Lucifer is very much alive”. We must add that Rosenthal was a member of an elite, openly satanic minority among the Jewish people;
- Israel Shahak was an Israeli professor who wrote about Judaism and conceded: “Many deeply religious Jews utter a prayer each day for the immediate extermination of all Christians”;
- Zionist Jew Arthur Koestler said that Judaism teaches “the art of cheating God”;
- One defining theological aspect of Orthodox Judaism is its dogma that gentiles are less than human. That is how the goyim-gentiles are viewed in the Talmud and its unsacred successor texts. In the prominent and politically-powerful doomsday sect Chabad Lubavitch, their founder, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, formally promulgated the doctrine that goyim-gentiles are not just less than human, they are non-human trash (“supernal refuse”) or trash that possess “no redeeming qualities whatsoever”. This is also a reference to their status in the Kabbalah as “kelipot” in certain branches of Kabbalistic Judaism;
- Even Satanist Adolf Hitler stated: “Whoever does not become sickened and nauseated upon making a closer acquaintance with the Talmud can put himself on display in a circus sideshow”;
- The Talmud is the MOST HOLY book of the Jews, so let us check out some Talmud quotes;
- The Talmud says: “All gentile children are animals” (Yebamoth 98a);
- The Talmud says: “Jews may use subterfuges [lies] to circumvent a gentile” (Baba Kamma 113a);
- The Talmud says: “When a Jew murders a gentile, there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile, he may keep” (Sanhedrin 57a);
- The Talmud says: “A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old” (Sanhedrin 54b);
- The Talmud says: “A woman who had intercourse with a beast is eligible to marry a Jewish priest. A woman who has sex with a demon is also eligible to marry a Jewish priest” (Yebamoth 59b);
- The Talmud says: “Jesus is in hell, being boiled in hot excrement” (Gittin 57a);
- The Talmud says: “Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a prostitute and played the harlot with carpenters” (Sanhedrin, 106a,b);
- The Talmud says: “Jesus practiced sorcery and enticed Israel to apostasy” (Sanhedrin, 43a);
- The Talmud says: “Jews must destroy the books of the Christians [i.e. the New Testament]” (Shabbath 116a);
- The Talmud says: “When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl, it is nothing” (Kethuboth 11b);
- The Talmud says: “Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form, so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form and condemned to serve the Jew day and night” (Midrasch Talpioth);
- The Talmud says: “It is permitted to take the body and the life of a gentile” (Sepher Ikkarim III c 25);
- The Talmud says: “It is the law to kill anyone who denies the Torah. The Christians belong to the denying ones of the Torah” (Coschen Hamischpat 425 Hagah 425);
- The Talmud says: “Every Jew who spills the blood of the godless [non-Jews], is doing the same as making a sacrifice to God” (Talmud: Bammidber Raba c 21 and Jalkut 772);
- The Talmud says: “Murdering gentiles is like killing a wild animal” (Sanhedrin 59a) Hence, Talmudic law make it very clear that the life of a non-Jew has no value and that gentiles exist only to serve Jews;
- The Talmud says: “Even the best of the gentiles should be killed” (Abodah Zara 26b);
- The Talmud teaches to honor the dog more than a non-Jew: “The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts” (Baba Mezia, 114b);
- Today, the Talmud occupies the same relative position with respect to those who profess “Judaism”. The Talmud virtually exercises totalitarian dictatorship over the lives of Jewish people whether they are aware of that fact or not. Their spiritual leaders make no attempt to conceal the control they exercise over the lives of so-called self-styled Jews. They extend their authority far beyond the legitimate limits of spiritual matters. Their authority has no equal outside religion;
- Rabbi Louis Finkelstein, head of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America stated: “Religious worship known and practiced today under the name of ‘Judaism' by self-styled Jews was known and practiced in Judea in the time of Jesus under the name ‘Pharisaism'”;
- Israel Shahak was an Israeli professor who wrote about Judaism and conceded: “According to the Jewish Talmud, Jesus is perhaps the vilest being who ever lived, condemned to spend eternity in Hell, immersed in boiling excrement …”;
- In 1952, Look Magazine stated: “The Talmud consists of 63 books of legal, ethical and historical writings of the ancient Rabbis. It was edited around 500 AD … There have never been recorded more vicious and vile libelous blasphemies of Jesus or Christians and the Christian faith by anyone, anywhere or anytime than you will find between the covers of the infamous '63 books' which are the legal code which forms the basis of Jewish religious law as well as the textbook used in the training of Rabbis“;
- The Kabbalah is the Hebrew book of black magic. Kabbalists are separated from God due to the Kabbalist desire to supplant God (a form of Luciferian rebellion). They have convinced mankind to join their rebellion and to feel “alienated” with them. The Talmud also promises that the Jews will own all the property of the whole world once their messianic age arrives. The writer of the Kabbalah emphasizes that the Jewish goal is to “seize the property of others” and “bring all governments into subjection to our super-government”;
- The black-magic Kabbalah is viewed as satanic because it denies our connection to God who speaks to us through our Divine spirit, soul. The Kabbalah preaches that God is formless and unknowable. But the whole point of religion is to worship and obey God, and it is not possible obey something “formless” or “unknowable”. Satanists seek to convince the unwary that God is unknowable. Also, the Kabbalah god combines good and evil and it says that somehow good will come from doing evil, which implies salvation through sin. Many Satanist pop-stars, like Madonna Ciccone, have openly embraced Zionist Kabbalism;
- Kabbalist Jews believe that sex is a prayer to God. And when they pray, for instance as Satanist John McCain did at the Wailing Wall, they do pelvic thrusts called “davening” when praying to their sex-goddess Shekinah (also called Lillith);
- The Hebrew word for Lucifer is “Hillel” meaning “bright light” and in most Jewish synagogues a bright burning flame represents this Jewish god. Many synagogues use “Hillel” in their name, as does the Jewish student group. A central book within the Kabbalah is entitled “the Zohar” (meaning “book of brightness or splendor”). In many passages in the Zohar, the conflation of Yahweh and Satan is difficult to miss;
- The Zohar is attributed to Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, who himself wrote: “Even the best of the gentiles should all be killed”;
- The Kabbalists often state that “evil forces attach themselves to holiness”;
- The Kabbalah says: “Israel must make sacrifices to Satan so that he will leave Israel unmolested” (Zohar 2: 33a). The latter pinpoints how Judaism always pays some tribute to Satan and to demonic forces;
- The Zohar stipulates precisely how Jews are required to go about sacrificing non-Jews: “Further, there is a law concerning the slaughter of foreigners [non-Jews], who are the same as beasts. This slaughter is to be carried out in a lawfully valid manner [meaning the non-Jews are to be sacrificed the same as animals]. The ones who do not follow the Jewish religious law have to be offered to ‘god' [probably meaning Satan] as a sacrifice” (Thikune Zohar, Berdiwetsched edition 88b). The latter very explicitly states that Jewish religious law not only permits the practice of ritual human sacrifice of non-Jews, but actually commands it;
- The Zohar urges tribute to the demons as follows: “The demonic powers should be given a portion, occupying and assuaging them, so that they will not disturb Israel‘s intimacy with God” (Pritzker Edition, Stanford University Press, 2007, vol. 4);
- In the 12th century, Rabbi Moses Maimonides invented the “Six Million” figure which Zionism adopted as a political slogan in the 1880s, and invented the Noahide Laws. He said: “All of the inhabitants of the world are forced to accept the Noahide Laws; if any non-Jew does not accept these laws he should be killed“;
- Jewish anti-Zionist Henry Makow wrote: “Unknown to most Jews and gentiles, Judaism is NOT the Old Testament religion most people believe it is. Every satanic cult has a cover. Like its own manifestations (communism, Zionism and Freemasonry), it is based on the Talmud and Kabbalah, which seek to supplant God and redefine reality. The Talmud promotes incest and child-rape; the Kabbalah reinterprets and contradicts the Old Testament. But only the top initiates are privy to this secret”;
- Jewish anti-Zionist Henry Makow wrote: “My own view is that Judaism is not a religion because its god is not universal and the Kabbalah does not renounce worldly desires (lust, greed, power etc.). Also ‘Illuminati' Jews have always been at the forefront of ‘revolution', which is ultimately about supplanting God”;
- Jewish anti-Zionist Henry Makow also said: “Judaism is a satanic cult masquerading as a religion. The worship of death is the aim of Satanism. And the goal of Judaism is to destroy everything that is wholesome and good. The population has been lulled to sleep by the Jewish-run mass-media. So, when it finally comes, they will not know what hit them”;
- Jewish anti-Zionist Henry Makow continued: “When I read references to the Jewish ‘faith', I ask myself ‘faith in what?'. You do not even need to believe in God to be Jewish. More than half do not; and half of so-called religious Jews do not. If there is a Jew inside every Christian, there must be an atheist inside half of them. If Pope Francis does not know that Judaism is the antithesis of Christianity, then Catholics are in big trouble. If he does not know that the Talmud is full of hatred for Jesus and for Christians, where has he been?”. In 2014, Pope Francis told an interviewer that “inside every Christian is a Jew”, prompting some to conjecture that Pope Francis might actually have meant himself;
- Top Israeli Rabbi Ovadia Yosef said: “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the people of Israel“;
- Rabbi Yaacov Perrin said: “One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail”;
- Yitzhak Greenbaum, head of the Jewish Agency's “Rescue Committee”, said: “One goat in Israel is worth more than the whole Jewish Diaspora”. Here, Zionism was giving a political value to each head of Jewish human “livestock” and showing its own disdain for Jews;
- At the most basic level, the tradition of most “religious” Jews is actually not at all monotheistic, but instead contains a wide variety of different male and female gods, having quite complex relations to each other, with these entities and their characteristics varying enormously among the numerous different Jewish sub-sects, depending upon which portions of the Talmud and the Kabbalah they place uppermost;
- Hence, Judaism is truly polytheist. One of the gods of Judaism is Lucifer, which Judaism also calls Satan, the Devil or the Serpent;
- Furthermore, religious Jews apparently pray to Satan almost as readily as they pray to God. Depending on the various Rabbinical schools, the particular rituals and sacrifices they practice may be aimed at enlisting the support of the one or the other. Once again, as long as the rituals are properly followed, the Satan-worshippers and the God-worshippers get along perfectly well and consider each other to be equally “pious” Jews who are merely of “slightly” different traditions. Also, certain prayers must be uttered in Aramaic rather than Hebrew on the grounds that holy angels apparently do not understand the former language and their angelic confusion allows those verses to slip by unimpeded and to thus take effect without divine interference;
- One of the gods of Judaism is Molech, the ancient Babylonian god of child-sacrifice, which the Zionists still worship every July at the Bohemian Grove campground in Monte Rio CA in the form of a giant owl made of stone. Elsewhere, the Zionists worship Molech in the form of a giant bull;
- The Serpent (the Devil) is one of the main, primary gods of the polytheist cult called Judaism. Most Rabbis admit that they are ruled by the Serpent (the Devil). In their most “holy” books, the Talmud and Kabbalah, they declare that the Serpent is their “companion” or “helpmate”. So “holy” is the Serpent in the Judaic religion that the Rabbis maintain that the Serpent is their “redeemer” and “messiah”;
- The Talmud says: “Serpents [demons] encircle the righteous during their lives, attending to their needs and guiding their actions”;
- The Talmud says: “On the Sabbath, every Jew is permitted to charm snakes and serpents” (Sanhedrin 101a, 101b). As such, the serpents will go forth to strike out at enemies and thus protect Jews;
- The Talmud says: “The Serpent [the Devil] is the great servant of man” (Sanhedrin 50b). Of course, the Talmud only refers to the Jews using the term “man”, since it calls all non-Jews “beasts” or “animals”. Gentiles also must serve the Jews and will do so, says the Talmud, as slaves in the future world;
- The Zohar states: “The Holy Serpent [the Devil] is the fountainhead, root and essence for all God's sacred revelatory light”;
- The Zohar (11-54a) also states: “The Serpent [the Devil] is wise and is a counselor to God”;
- Rabbi Elijah ben Solomon Zalman, known as Vilna Gaon, agreed that the Serpent messiah [the Devil] is the redeemer of the Jews;
- Rabbi Michael Laitman enthusiastically teaches that “the Serpent [the Devil] is the angel of help. We should be grateful to the Serpent”. CNN's Larry King interviewed Rabbi Laitman, and he reiterated that the Serpent [the Devil] is the Jew's angel of help, saying “we should be grateful to the Serpent for his help”;
- Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh said: “The positive snake represents the epitome of good” and he added “the Jewish messiah is referred to as the Holy Snake [the Devil]”;
- Rabbis often have an important secondary role as sorcerers and this even remains entirely true today among the enormously influential Rabbis of both Israel and the area of NYC. Many of these traditional Jewish practices seem not entirely dissimilar to those we typically associate with African witch-doctors or voodoo-priests and, indeed, the legend of the Golem of Prague described the successful deployment of Rabbinical magic to animate a giant creature built of clay;
- Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbi Manis Friedman said: “The only way to fight a moral war is the JEWISH way. Destroy their holy sites; kill men, women, children and cattle”;
- There are a very many good orthodox Jews like Rabbi Moshe Schonfeld who have always understood the reality of Zionism. They have always rejected the state of Israel and remained faithful to the Torah;
- Rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandl warned the Zionists as follows: “Our Torah, in Tractate Ketubot, folio 111, specifies that the Creator, blessed be He, swore the Jews not to occupy the Holy Land by force, even if it appears that they have the force to do so; and not rebel against the nations”. Thus, not all rabbis are bad;
- Sabbatean-Frankists openly refer to themselves as “Satanists who believe in redemption through evil”. They believe the “Jewish messiah Ben David” will come when the world has, to a sufficient extent, descended into total chaos. The doomsday sect Chabad Lubavitch is the top level of Sabbatean-Frankism in the world today and it exercises enormous influence on the capstone of Luciferian-Freemasonry known as B'nai B'rith. Chabad Lubavitch is rumored to control both Trump and Putin as it prepares WW3. Sabbatean-Frankists favor the destruction of marriage and the family and they themselves engage in adultery, orgies, incest and child-rape. Like the “Illuminati”, Chabad Lubavitch classifies its faith as Gnostic Dualism and Gnostic Kabbalism. Adherents believe that their evil deeds must “balance” their good deeds;
- In his 1988 book “The Man Who Would Be Messiah”, Rabbi Gunther Plaut confirmed that the NSDAP was a creation of the Zionists and Sabbatean-Frankists: “The satanic plague devouring humanity originated with the Sabbatean-Frankist cult, a satanic Jewish movement based on the Kabbalah that absorbed half the Jews of Europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. They were chameleons who pretended to convert [to Christianity]. And Satanist Jews infiltrated and subverted all important religions, organizations and governments. They are the progenitors of the “Illuminati”, Zionism, communism, fascism and they control Freemasonry. The ‘new' world order is their goal”. Benjamin Satan-Yahoo is a Sabbatean-Frankist, which means that Rabbi Gunther Plaut was confirming that the likes of Benjamin Satan-Yahoo were the very ones who created the NSDAP. No major surprise there;
- On Yom Kippur, any “devout” Jew can partake in the KOL NIDREI CEREMONY whereby he SELF-ABSOLVES HIMSELF IN ADVANCE for all the perjury he will commit in the coming year, and all contracts the he will sign but violate in the coming year, and all the promises he will break in the coming year, with no heavenly punishment accruing as a result of any such actions. This KOL NIDREI PRAYER enables self-absolution in advance for lies, cheating, covenant breaking and theft.
- Josef Ginsburg, the son of an Orthodox Rabbi, said the KOL NIDREI means that most devout Jews view the act of lying to be of absolutely no consequence whatsoever. Ginsburg said that Jews are not otherwise bound to tell the truth, because their religion deems their courtroom oath, their pledge of allegiance etc. to be of zero significance. Given all the other statements by Judaism's “holy” books, the action of genociding non-Jews (“beasts”) may not even require any absolution from the Jewish “god”, either before or after;
- Only topmost Jews are aware of Zionism's genocidal agenda. Leonard Cohen was of the “blue-blood Cohen branch” that can trace its roots to Ancient Babylon. Leonard Cohen's ex-girlfriend, Ann Diamond, recalled how Cohen had urged her in 1990 to convert to Judaism because, he said (echoing his Zionist poet-pal Israel Lazarovitch) “a holocaust for gentiles is coming in the near future”. Cohen's music drew from Freemasonry, the Kabbalah, Babylonian mystery cults and he marketed it to a middle-class fan-base. He favored alchemical images, symbols and logos. In London in 1959, Cohen met Jacob Rothschild (today the Mafia boss of the entire EU). Jacob was the son of Victor Rothschild (1910-90) who ran MI5, MI6 and the KGB during the “cold war” and also founded the Tavistock Institute, the birthplace of MK-ULTRA mind-control. Cohen's 1990 song “The Future” had the lyrics “Get ready for the future: it is murder”. Also, Ann Diamond claimed that Cohen's role was much more than the usual satanic cultural subversion pushed by pop-stars and pop-music, adding that Leonard Cohen was in fact a top military-intelligence agent;
- The Kabbalist banksters have been working on their very dark and nihilistic ideology for centuries in order to bring about a diabolical world. In a candid moment just after WW1, Otto Kahn explained that the Kabbalist banksters “remake” the world by creating artificial conflicts and determining the outcome. These include world wars, the staged “cold war” and the bogus “war on terror”, not to mention the phony “left-right” divide that holds most “advanced” countries in gridlock. Together with Jacob Schiff and Paul Warburg, Otto Kahn (1869-1934) was a partner in the USA‘s most influential investment bank Kuhn Loeb & Co (a Rothschild front) so it is very much worth keeping in mind what he said about the Jewish “Illuminati” strategy. In his 1937 book “Geneva Versus Peace”, the Comte de Saint Aulaire (French ambassador to Britain in 1920-24) recalled a dinner conversation with Otto Kahn which took place shortly after WW1. Asked why Kabbalist banksters backed Bolshevism, a system supposedly inimical to private ownership, Kahn tugged on his huge cigar and explained that the banksters create apparent opposites to “remake the world” according to their own specifications. Here, Otto Kahn explained how Zionists create Hegelian Dialectics: “You say that Marxism is the very antithesis of Capitalism, but that is why it is equally sacred to us. It is precisely for this reason that they are direct opposites of one another, that they put into our hands the two poles of this planet and allow us to be its axis. Thus, two contraries, Bolshevism and Capitalism, find their identity in the International [i.e. COMINTERN]. These opposites … meet again, in the identity of their purpose, and end in the remaking of the world from above by the control of riches, and from below by revolution. Our mission consists in promulgating the new law and in creating a god, that is to say in purifying the idea of god and realizing it, when the time shall come. We shall purify the idea by identifying it with the nation of Israel, which has become its own messiah. The advent of it will be facilitated by the final triumph of Israel … Our essential dynamism makes use of the forces of destruction and the forces of creation, but uses the first to nourish the second … Our organization for revolution is evidenced by destructive Bolshevism. Our organization for construction is evidenced by the League of Nations which is also our work. Bolshevism is the accelerator and the League is the brake on the mechanism of which we supply both the motive force and the guiding power. What is the end? It is already determined by our mission. It is formed of elements scattered throughout the whole world, but cast in the flame of our faith in ourselves. We are a league of nations which contains the elements of all others … Israel is the microcosm and the germ of the city of the future“;
- At least 75 percent of Bolshevik-Zionist commissars were Jewish. At least 75 percent of the Cheka, including all bosses, were Jewish. Jewish culprits behind communism included: “Marx” (Carl Mordechai Levi), Moses Hess (a mentor to “Marx” and Engels), Jacob Schiff (Kuhn Loeb & Co bankster who financed the Bolshevik-Zionist revolution), Max Warburg (bankster of Hamburg's MM Warburg who financed the Bolshevik-Zionist revolution), the House of Rothschild (banksters who financed the Bolshevik-Zionist revolution), “Trotsky” (Lev Bronstein), the part-Jewish “Lenin” (Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov), “Zinoviev” (Hirsch Apfelbaum), Yakov Sverdlov, Yakov Yurovsky, “Kamenev” (Leo Rosenfeld), “Pavrus” (Israel Gelfand);
- At the start of his 2009 book “History's Greatest Heist: The Looting of Russia by the Bolsheviks”, Seán McMeekin reminds readers that, on the eve of WW1, Russia was a formidable power on the rise. It was the world's largest exporter of food, especially grain, and, by 1914, it had amassed Europe‘s largest strategic gold reserves. The Russian ruble was fully convertible, and personal savings were growing rapidly. Like China at the beginning of the twenty-first century, Russia at the start of the twentieth century was turning heads in its seemingly inexorable advances and raw economic power. The Zionist aim was to plunder Russia‘s upper and middle classes leaving only two classes, either Proletariat or Nomenklatura;
- So, communism was only ever, and still remains, a mask for confiscating gentile wealth. Communism is now planned for the world after 2020, but as the very same mask for more confiscation of gentile wealth. We know Zionism was a mask for the theft of Arab property, to establish Israel, and NEXT for the theft of world property to create the Zionist “new” world order. Some Zionists have intimated that the Israeli flag in fact symbolizes Jewish rule over the entire world, with the two blue stripes standing for “ocean to shining ocean”, such that the Israeli flag effectively symbolizes Jewish rule over the whole world;
- For four years, Michael Berg was a member of doomsday sect Chabad Lubavitch. Michael Berg confirmed that Chabad Lubavitch is a criminal, racist, Jewish-supremacist cult that is dedicated to world domination through the Freemasonic-Jewish “Illuminati” and specifically through B'nai B'rith, which gives daily orders to all Freemasonic lodges. Chabad-Lubavitch members are said to include Donald Trump, his daughter, his son-in-law and Vladimir Putin, with Russian chief-Rabbi Berel Lazar said to be Putin's CL handler;
- The Talmud decrees that a Jew is anyone who is born of a Jewish mother. If you are born a Jew, Judaism considers you a Jew regardless of your religious belief or lack thereof. Also, a modern Rabbi is probably much less a religious teacher than he is a political leader who advises and represents his community in its relationship to the outside world, an outside world that is largely non-Jewish. So is Judaism a religion, or a political movement, or a sect, or a cult, or a tribal manifesto? Maybe no one really knows.
- In his 1993 book “The Nature of Zionism”, Vladimir Stepin wrote: “The Jews must have and will have undivided, absolute power over the whole world. The only point is that the money and the power, but particularly the power, will be achieved soundlessly, without attracting attention and without occupying the leading roles until the very end”. The foundations of Zionism were formulated in ancient times, some three thousand years ago and they are: First, the Jews are the chosen people; second, all other peoples are merely two-legged animals (goyim); third, the Jews have both the right and the obligation to rule the world. The second and third points of this three-in-one formula actually follow from the first. This formula, the brainchild of a clever man, was among the foundations of Judaism (see also the Book of Deuteronomy). Except that powerful Zionist Jew Harold Wallace Rosenthal confided in 1976 that the Jews were the chosen people not of God but of Lucifer;
- In his 1982 book “The Armageddon Script”, Peter Lemesurier described the future for Christians under the Zionist dictatorship called the “new” world order: “Their script is now written, subject only to last-minute editing and stage-directions. The stage itself, albeit in darkness, is almost ready. Down in the pit, the subterranean orchestra is already tuning up. The last-minute, walk-on parts are even now being filled. Most of the main actors, one suspects, have already taken up their roles. Soon it will be time for them to come on stage, ready for the curtain to rise. The time for action will have come. The Jewish messiah must appear on Jerusalem‘s Mount of Olives at the time of a great earthquake. He must enter Jerusalem from the east, escorted by a procession of rejoicing followers dressed in shining white. Visiting the tomb of his spiritual ancestor, King David, he must emerge in a suitably-perfumed royal robes as the great monarch returned. Supported by a popular rising, he must proceed with his followers to the Temple Mount, there to be enthroned, anointed and crowned King of the New Israel“. The exact same script is still being played out today, nearly 40 years later;
- In his 1877 book “The Coming Jewish Reign”, Fyodor Dostoyevsky reiterated the fact that the goal of Judaism is “to exterminate the rest of mankind, or make slaves of them, or exploit them”. This is the real reason for anti-Jewish sentiment in the world. Dostoyevsky's prophecy is coming true. The West is now a proxy for Freemasonic-Jewish central-bankster world domination. When these banksters gained the power to create the medium of exchange (currency or credit) in the form of a debt to them, it doomed humanity to slavery. Inevitably, they would consolidate this scam by leveraging it into a monopoly over everything (communism and the Zionist “new” world order). This demented megalomania, found in Kabbalist-Talmudic Jewish teaching, is the real cause for most war and most terror in the world. Only a small segment of Jews and Freemasons are actively involved. Most people today (including Jews) cannot see what Dostoyevsky saw over 140 years ago, but when WW3 begins, you really must know the real reason for it, given that the Zionists plan to kill both you and your children in their planned WW3;
- DEAGEL.COM is a military website having close ties to Zionist British MI6 and the Zionist Central Lack-Of-Intelligence Agency (CIA). DEAGEL.COM is notorious for featuring tables showing the population collapse planned by 2025 for each country, genocide that is today being spearheaded by the Zionist London-NY-Axis cabal or capstone (the English monarchy, the City of London, Wall Street and the House of Rothschild). Some rough DEAGEL.COM population collapses are: Britain 77 percent, Ireland 74 percent, the USA 69 percent, Germany 65 percent, Australia 35 percent, New Zealand 27 percent, Canada 27 percent, China 2 percent etc. So, will the Zionists try to genocide this many people with COVID bio-weapons or with the Zionist 5G Kill Grid, or other methods, or with combinations of all the above?;
- “Illuminati” defector John Todd Collins revealed the Zionist and “Illuminati” plan for Christians. As in the Bolshevik-Zionist “revolution”, Collins said, millions upon millions of Christians are to be killed in a “helter-skelter rule of terror”, the only thing deterring this so far being widespread gun-ownership in the USA;
- In 1932, Bernard Lecache, president of the World Jewish League said: “Germany is our Public Enemy Number One. It is our object to declare war without mercy against her”;
- The writings of the Zionist London Round Table Groups in 1900-10 frequently spoke of “getting rid of the Germans for once and for all”. The Beast's Brainwashing Corporation (BBC) and the Zionist-controlled British mainstream-press continued their anti-German propaganda all the way into the present century;
- The Zionist Morgenthau Plan inflicted collective punishment on the German people by genocide (although such punishment is outlawed by the Geneva Convention) and it was implemented from 8 May 1945 until 31 Dec 1950 under JCS1067. Post-WW2 Zionist propaganda falsely claimed that it “got ditched in 1945”;
- In his statements and writings, General George Patton exhibited clear discernment. He was well-aware of the Zionist plans to genocide all Europeans. Patton was murdered on 21 Dec 1945 by Lebanese Zionist Jew Douglas Bazata, who confessed to killing Patton with a cyanide injection after a faked traffic accident and on the direct orders of OSS boss William Donovan but ultimately on the orders of the Zionist London-NY-Axis (English monarchy, City of London, Wall Street and the House of Rothschild));
- The state of Israel openly retains its “right” to the “The Samson Option”, which means that if Israel does not get its way, it therefore has the “right” to launch Armageddon and genocide most of humanity;
- The Zionists showed their worst of all genocidal intent before, during and after WW2. In the German Holocaust of WW1 and WW2, the Zionists genocided up to 40 million Ethinc-German Christian civilians;
- The Zionist London-NY-Axis regime deliberately prolonged WW2 by well over a year so that more German civilians could be genocided and raped to death;
- In his 1941 book “Germany Must Perish”, Rabid-Zionist Jew Theodore Kaufman advocated the genocide through sterilization of all Germans and the territorial dismemberment of Germany, claiming that this was the final step for achieving world “peace” (clearly, he had never yet heard of modern Israel);
- Rabid-Zionist Churchill stated that he hated Germans and wanted to destroy them. Churchill said. “This war is not against Adolf or National Socialism but against the strength of the German people, which is to be smashed for once and for all, regardless whether it is in the hands of Adolf or a Jesuit priest”. Churchill also called for German civilians to be “roasted” just prior to the Dresden Holocaust;
- Zionist “Stalin” (Ioseb Dzhugashvili) made clear that he hated Germans and wanted to destroy them;
- Zionist psychiatrist Ewan Cameron stated that the Germans needed to be destroyed or reduced;
- Rabid-Zionist Eisenhower made clear that he hated Germans and wanted to destroy them. Eisenhower helped to kill up to 2 million civilians in his 23 Rhine-Meadow Camps after Germany had surrendered;
- Rabid-Zionist Ilya Ehrenburg urged the Bolshevik-Zionist Red Army to kill as many Germans as possible, and to rape to death as many German women as possible, and today Ilya Ehrenburg is still held up as a “hero” by the Zionist state of Israel, which is led by Satanist Benjamin Satan-Yahoo, who is still seeking more LEBENSRAUM in the east, who mentioned his desire for a Jewish state in Ukraine, and wants to establish GROSS-ISRAËL (so we can see how Satanism helps history to keep repeating in accordance with the old motto HELL IS REPETITION);
- After leading World Jewry's declaration of war against Germany in March 1933, Samuel Untermyer re-declared this holy war (“Jewish Jihad”) against Germany on 7 Aug 1933, stating: “The Jewish wholesaler will quit his house, the banker his stock exchange, the merchant his business and the beggar his humble hut, in order to join the holy war against Hitler's people …”;
- In Oct 1937, Jewish Zionist lawyer Prof Alexander Kulisher stated: “Germany is the enemy of Judaism and must be pursued with deadly hatred. The goal of Judaism of today is: a merciless campaign against all German peoples and the complete destruction of the nation. We demand a complete blockade of trade, the importation of raw materials stopped, and retaliation towards every German, woman and child”;
- In Oct 1937, Kulisher continued: “Each of you, Jew and gentile alike, who has not already enlisted in this holy war should do so now and here. It is not sufficient that you should buy no goods made in Germany. You must refuse to deal with any merchant or shopkeeper who sells any German-made goods or who patronizes German ships or shipping … we will undermine the Hitler regime and bring the German people to their senses by destroying their export trade on which their very existence depends”;
- In his 1988 book “The Man Who Would Be Messiah”, Rabbi Gunther Plaut confirmed that the NSDAP was a creation of the Zionists and Sabbatean-Frankists: “The satanic plague devouring humanity [in WW2] originated with the Sabbatean-Frankist cult, a satanic Jewish movement based on the Kabbalah that absorbed half the Jews of Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries. They were chameleons [conversos] who only pretended to convert. And Satanist Jews infiltrated and subverted all important religions, organizations and governments. They are the progenitors of the “Illuminati”, Zionism, communism, fascism and they control Freemasonry. The ‘new' world order is their goal”. Benjamin Satan-Yahoo is a Sabbatean-Frankist, which means that Rabbi Gunther Plaut was confirming that the likes of Benjamin Satan-Yahoo were the very ones who created the NSDAP. No major surprise there;
- Harvard professor and Rabid-Zionist Noel Ignatiev stated: “We will keep bashing the dead white males and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as the white race is destroyed. Not deconstructed, but destroyed”. This proves that Zionists who claim to be “anti-racist” are in fact anti-white. It also proves that Zionists are behind today's iconoclasm to destroy US statues of great whites;
- On 12 Jan 1952, Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich gave his infamous “Pax Judaica Speech” explaining how Zionism intended to wipe out the Christian White race by miscegenation, and also confirming that Zionism was behind all three world wars. He spoke to a meeting of the Emergency Council of European Rabbis in Budapest-Hungary, saying: “We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia and Africa. I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born … Forbid the whites to mate with whites. The white women must cohabit with members of the dark races, the white men with black women. Thus the white race will disappear, for the mixing of the dark with the white means the end of the white man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. After WW3 has concluded our struggle against our greatest enemy, the gentiles, we shall embark upon an era of 10,000 years of peace and plenty, Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark peoples”;
- The Georgia Guide Stones were most likely built by a Zionist (many have speculated that Rabid-Zionist Ted Turner built them). The biggest Zionist fingerprint is the fact that they feature Hebrew but not German. Today, German is spoken by over 100 million people and is the most important industrial and business language in Europe, particularly for East Europeans. But the Zionist Kalergi Plan has slated the German language for eradication. The absence of German from the Georgia Guide Stones is the biggest clue that only a top Zionist having knowledge of Zionism's genocidal agenda could have commissioned them;
- Rabbi Ishmael Levitts: “It is in the Jewish interest, and in humanity's interest, that whites experience a genocide. Until white children are burned alive, white women raped, mutilated, murdered; and all white men who have not been slaughtered watch powerlessly as their people are terrorized; only then will mankind be on a more equal footing, ready to discuss white privilege and the seeming chip-on-the-shoulder that minorities have”. Of course, the Zionist media did not call “hate-speech” on this;
- In 1934, the Romanian-Jewish journal Natscha Retsch wrote: “The war against Germany will be waged by all Jewish communities, conferences, congresses … by every individual Jew. Thereby the war against Germany will ideologically enliven and promote our interests, which require that Germany be wholly destroyed. The danger for us Jews lies in the whole German people, in Germany as a whole as well as individually. It must be rendered harmless for all time … In this war, we Jews have to participate, and this with all the strength and might we have at our disposal”;
- In Jan 1934, Vladimir Jabotinsky, founder of the Jewish terror organization Irgun, stated in the Romanian-Jewish journal Natscha Retsch: “Our Jewish interests … demand the complete destruction of Germany. The German nation is collectively and individually a danger to us Jews”;
- In Dec 1938, William Aitken (“Lord Beaverbrook”) said: “The Jews are after prime-minister Chamberlain. He is being terribly harassed by them … all the Jews are against him … They have a big position in the British press … I am shaken. The Jews may drive us into war and their political influence is moving us in that direction”;
- On 8 Oct 1940, the Jewish magazine of Chicago also admitted: “When the national socialists and their friends whisper that this war was brought about by Jews, they are perfectly right”;
- In 1934, David Brown, president of American Hebrew and national chairman of the United Jewish Campaign (as quoted in Edmonson's “I Testify”, p 188) stated: “We Jews are going to bring war on Germany”;
- In his early-1930s book “La Nouvelle Sainte-Alliance” (“The New Holy Alliance”), Zionist Emil Ludwig Cohn said: “Adolf will have no war (he does not want war), but we will force it on him, not this year, but soon”;
- The single biggest murderer in Bolshevik-Zionist Russia was Kabbalist Jew Genrikh Yagoda, who is said to have personally ordered the genocide of well over 10 million Russians. We do not know whether that is a world record because the Zionists still keep the deeds of Zionist “Stalin” (Ioseb Dzhugashvili) and Zionist Mao Zedong top secret (Mao belonged to Yale-In-China and was another stooge of the Zionist London-NY-Axis). But the Zionist mainstream-media never compare “Lenin” to Adolf and never mention Yagoda;
- In 1987, at the World Wilderness Conference in Colorado (attended by the world's top Zionists), Zionist Edmund Leopold de Rothschild spoke of the Zionist strategy for its latest scam called debt-for-nature swaps (financial transactions in which a portion of a developing nation's foreign debt is forgiven in exchange for local investments in environmental conservation projects, to compel the nation to surrender farmland and hence achieve more genocide), saying: “I suggest therefore that this be sold not through a democratic process – that would take too long and devour too much of the funds – to educate the cannon fodder, that unfortunately populates the Earth. We have to take almost an elitist program, so that we can see beyond our swollen bellies, and look to the future in timeframes and in results which are not easily understood, or which can, with intellectual honesty, be reduced down to some kind of simplistic definition”;
- In 1917, US Zionist Louis Marshall was counsel for banksters Kuhn Loeb & Co, when he said: “Zionism is but an incident of a far-reaching plan, it is merely a convenient peg on which to hang a powerful weapon”. The “far-reaching plan” he meant is the total, satanic enslavement of humanity, ownership of all its wealth by the Jews (as stipulated in the “holy” books of Judaism), and total control of the world;
- On 1 Jun 1928, the “Review de Paris” printed a letter from Baruch Levi to “Marx” (Carl Mordechai Levi) reiterating the long-term Zionist plan as being: “The Jewish people taken collectively will be their own messiah. Their reign over the universe will be obtained by the unification of the human races and through the elimination of frontiers … Through victory of the proletariat, the governments of all nations will gradually fall into the hands of Judah. All private property will become the possession of the princes of Israel, who will own the wealth of all lands. Thus will be realized the promise of the Talmud that when the time of the messiah comes, the Jews will hold under their keys the property of all the peoples of the world“;
- Already in 2012, Israeli Rabbi Baruch Efrati vengefully rejoiced at the growing Islamization of Europe when he said: “By losing its identity, Europe is paying for what it did to us for hundreds of years”. This is yet more proof that the Zionists are behind the cultural and racial genocide of White Christian Europeans, as published in the Kalergi Plan by the Zionist Freemasonic super-lodge PAN EUROPA;
- The RAND Corporation confirmed that, from 1975 to 2018, the average wealth of 2.5 trillion USD dollars shifted every year from US working-class families to the top one-percent power-elite. That means a total transfer of 107.5 trillioned USD dollars in 1975-2018, directly in keeping with the Zionist plan to ruin ordinary Americans while lining the pockets of top Jews, Zionists, banksters, Freemasons etc. 52 percent, or over half the billionaires in the USA, are Jewish; the other 48 percent of US billionaires are Zionists, Freemasons or other Satanists; giving statistical confirmation of the published Talmudic formula, whereby the wealth of the world must first flow into Zionist and Jewish hands, after which all Christians are to be culled. You can easily find further confirmation of this in the Talmud, Kabbalah, Zohar, “Protocols of Zion”, or else by reading the Georgia Guide Stones or UN Agenda 21. With this, the RAND Corporation (a subsidiary of Tavistock London) was just confirming that literally everything was going according to plan, and that from their viewpoint everything was just hunky dory;
- The former Israeli minister for “education” Shulamit Aloni, a Rabid-Zionist, was at the center of several quotes that unmasked Zionism as a genocidal form of Satanism. And when Golda Meir told Shulamit Aloni “After the Holocaust, we Jews are allowed to do anything”, Meir was confirming that Zionism had created the Jewish Holocaust with its “Six Million” slogan so as to gain a license of impunity for Israel to go on a rampage and genocide whomever it pleased. The International Red Cross cited the real death-toll of the Jewish Holocaust as being much closer to 90,000, mostly from starvation and disease (e.g. typhus);
- In 2002, Shulamit Aloni also openly admitted: “Anti-Jewish sentiment is a trick [a smear tactic], we always use it”. She was openly confirming that Zionists attempt to label anyone who does not agree with them as being anti-Jewish. Here, the actual term Aloni used was not the correct one (anti-Jewish sentiment) but the incorrect one (anti-Semitism). In his 1976 book “The Thirteenth Tribe”, Arthur Koestler showed how over 90 percent of the world's Jews today are descended not from Semitic peoples in the Mid-East but from East-European Khazars (who converted to Judaism around 740 AD). So when the Zionists genocided 20 million Semitic Arabs in 1948-2020 in the cause of creating Greater Israel, they actually proved themselves to be by far the most Anti-Semitic group in all of history. Greater Israel is planned to span from the Nile to the Euphrates, as originally indicated by the two blue stripes on the flag of Israel (which is also why Israel never declared its borders). Anti-Semitism means hating or killing Palestinians or other Arabs, so the whole world knows that the Zionists are the biggest Anti-Semites in history. And merely disagreeing with a Jewish individual, or individuals, never made anyone anti-Jewish. Never.
- 150 million Christians genocided in the Christian Holocaust of WW1 and WW2, planned, financed and executed by the Zionists, after being designed by Satanist Edward VII, who was the Rabid-Zionist mastermind behind both WW1 and WW2;
- Up to 40 million German Christians genocided in the German Holocaust of WW1 and WW2, also planned, financed and executed by the Zionists. This was part of the same Christian Holocaust of WW1 and WW2;
- 100 million Russian-Orthodox Christians and other Eastern European Christians genocided by Bolshevik-Zionism (communism) in the twentieth century, also planned, financed and executed by the Zionists. The single biggest murderer in Bolshevik-Zionist Russia was Kabbalist Jew and Zionist Genrikh Yagoda, who is said to have personally ordered the genocide of well over 10 million Russians. The Zionist mainstream-media never care to compare “Lenin” (Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov) to Adolf, and never even mention Yagoda;
- 10 million Ukrainian Christians genocided in the Holodomor of 1932-33. This was a part of the twentieth century Christian Holocaust under Bolshevik-Zionism (communism). Kabbalist Jew Lazar Kaganovich had the biggest hand in the genocide of 10 million Ukrainian Christians that the Bolshevik-Zionists committed in the Holodomor of 1932-33. Because Zionism is so international, the Zionist NY Times, owned by Zionist Adolph Simon Ochs, told enormous lies during the Ukrainian Holodomor that induced most Americans to choose inaction. Its Zionist reporter Walter Duranty deceived readers into thinking that no forced-famine or genocide was taking place, a lie with dire consequences. But British foreign-office document “N 7182 / 114 / 88” revealed that, in private conversations at the British Embassy, the same Rabid-Zionist Walter Duranty was confirming that in fact at least 10 million Ukrainians had been systematically starved to death;
- 100 million Chinese genocided by Zionist Mao Zedong under Bolshevik-Zionism (communism) in China. Mao belonged to the Luciferian-Freemasonic lodge Yale-in-China that is closely tied to Skull & Bones. Mao was yet another pawn of the Zionist London-NY-Axis cabal or capstone (the English monarchy, the City of London, Wall Street and the House of Rothschild);
- 20 million Semitic Arabs (Muslims and Christians), including Palestinians, genocided in 1948-2020 in the Zionist cause to create Greater Israel. Here, Zionists proved themselves by far the most Anti-Semitic group in all of history. In his 1980 book “Genocide in the Holy Land”, Rabbi Moshe Schonfeld gave a detailed account of how the Zionists systematically genocided Semitic Muslims and Christians in Palestine. Palestinian historian Nur Masalha wrote many great books on the same topic. Zionist PNAC's hit-list of countries was published in Sep 2000 (along with its request for a “New Pearl Harbor Event” that Zionism delivered on 11 Sep 2001 and its request for ethno-specific bio-weapons for killing non-Ashkenazi) but this hit-list is still not done, seeking to destroy: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Afghanistan;
- 1.5 million Armenian-Christians genocided in 1914-23. Although, this was blamed on Turkey, it was in fact led by Dönmeh Jews (crypto-Jewish Sabbatean-Frankists) headed by crypto-Jew Atatürk, who stemmed from the Dönmeh Jews of Thessalonica-Greece. Ironically, in 2011, Rabid-Zionist Nicolas Sarkozy backed the commemoration of the Armenian genocide despite the fact that he himself descended from the very same Dönmeh-Jewish perpetrators of Thessalonica-Greece. This illustrates how Zionism is really all about creating dialectics so as to play individual groups off against each other, as Zionist Kuhn-Loeb bankster Otto Hahn once admitted. Christopher Jon Bjerknes wrote a major 2004 book on this genocide by Zionism;
- Untold millions genocided after the Zionist Mossad attack on Fukushima on 11 Mar 2011. John Lear is a top CIA insider and the son of Bill Lear, who was a member of Majestick 12 (MJ12) and the inventor of the Learjet. John Lear revealed that the Fukushima attack was launched by Zionist Mossad in revenge for Japan having sold high-grade nuclear material, possibly plutonium, to Iran. The Zionists first gained control of 52 of the nuclear-powered generators at Fukushima and then set off an underwater atomic bomb in Tohoku, north-east of Fukushima and roughly 70 kilometers east of the Oshika Peninsula. That caused a huge unnatural earthquake and an unnatural (unidirectional) “tsunami”. The videos of Fukushima during the “tsunami” prove that the earthquake was unnatural because none of the towers of tall buildings were swaying as they would during a natural earthquake. The Zionists also deployed the Stuxnet virus to blind the reactor control systems. Clouds created by HAARP scalar-energy were recorded over Japan just prior to the Tohoku earthquake, which indicated that the Zionist US regime was also present to help Mossad in enhancing the whole “weather-event”. General Gabi Ashkenazi of the Zionist IDF had admitted in Feb 2011 that Zionist Mossad and the Zionist US regime had jointly authored the Stuxnet virus;
- Zionists genocide Jews too, and Chabad-Lubavitch retains one of its major options as “Armageddon NOW in Israel” so as to torch the 6 million Jews of Israel as a burnt offering to its godhead Satan in return for inheriting the Earth (sic). There is a great deal of evidence that the Zionists sponsored Adolf and that they agreed to the Jewish Holocaust as a blood sacrifice to obtain the Jewish State of Israel. Countless quotes from key Zionists confirm that. Countless quotes also confirm that Zionism started all the world wars;
- Customized genocides for Nagasaki and Hiroshima: Catholicism was always the chief enemy of Zionism, of Luciferian-Freemasonry and of witchcraft. The reason the Zionists selected Hiroshima and Nagasaki for genocide was because the highest concentration of Japanese Catholics lived in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The man who ordered the bombs dropped on these Catholics was Zionist Dirty-Harry Truman who, in Oct 1945, was promoted from Freemasonry's 32nd to its 33rd degree in gratitude for killing so many Catholics. Also, Satanists like to launch attacks at or near the 33rd parallel, which included venues like Nagasaki, Dallas (for JFK) and LA (for RFK). On 9 Aug 1945, the Zionist atom bomb detonated only 500 meters from Nagasaki‘s Immaculate Conception Cathedral, also called Saint Mary's or Urakami Cathedral. The Zionists not only crushed Catholicism in Japan, they also dashed hopes that Catholicism might become Japan's main religion once the “faith vacuum” left by the Japanese Emperor's renunciation of his own divinity next emerged. The Zionists still blame the destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans in 70 AD on the Catholic Church, despite the fact that the Romans did not become Christian until much later. For the same reason, Catholics remain the chief target group of witchcraft, Luciferian-Freemasonry and Zionism;
- The US presidency and military are both rotten with Luciferian-Freemasonry and Zionism, so the Spanish Flu of 1918-20 was probably the work of the Zionists. This flu was based on a binary bio-weapon having two halves. The first half was the bio-weapon virus unleashed on US soldiers in the military barracks at Fort Riley KS, who were then sent to spread it in Europe. The second half was the vaccine, which (like all vaccines) was a genocidal bio-weapon too. The UN's Worst Health Organization (WHO) claims that this pandemic caused the deaths of 50-100 million people. And because this flu had Zionist fingerprints all over it, we must again credit Zionism with this massive genocide. There can be no doubt: the Zionists really know how to genocide people. And never think they are too shy to kill over 100 million people in one go. It is in fact a piece of cake to them to orchestrate the killing of over a billion people without batting an eyelid. They can still sleep like babies while such “gigacide” operations are running and after they are completed. They even thrive on all the negative energy and look forward to the times when they, or their satanic progeny, spend all their time living it up as “Princes of Israel” being served by “two-legged goyim-beasts”;
- Today, the “vaccine” bio-weapon against nonexistent COVID must be stored at minus 70° C (minus 94° F), to protect the nanotech-bio-weapon ingredients the Zionists have deployed to genocide the suckers who agree to be injected with it. The “vaccine” bio-weapon against nonexistent COVID is intended to take its most severe toll on the weakest, i.e. the elderly, the infirm and the young. So be warned, the “vaccine” bio-weapon against nonexistent COVID is MUCH more lethal than nonexistent COVID was ever claimed to be;
- The genocide of 1 million people in Rwanda in 1994 was also most likely another Zionist operation. There, the Zionists first gave machetes to tens of thousands of Hutu tribesmen and then beamed frequencies at them, causing them to go berserk and slaughter up to 1 million people. These frequencies were beamed from US military airplanes and helicopters, and the operation overseen by the Central Lack-Of-Intelligence Agency (CIA). From mind-control experiments of the past, the Zionist militaries of the world know all the specific frequency-ranges they need to beam to induce fear, anger, extreme anger, happiness, bliss etc.;
- Most victims of terrorism, especially over the past 20 years, were murdered by the Zionists, who are the biggest financers of both terrorism and false-flag terrorism in the world. The Zionist Freemasonic super-lodge HATHOR PENTALPHA ran both sides of the “War on Terror” and the Zionists were also the chief sponsors of the terror organizations Al-Qaeda and ISIS, with ISIS headed by Zionist John McCain. Zionists ran most recent false-flag terror attacks including the 11 Sep 01 attacks, the 7 Jul 05 attacks, Sandy Hoax and the Boston bombings. The Zionists deploy terrorism to change the world through chaos and Hegelian Dialectics. Neither Al-Qaeda nor ISIS ever managed to attack their most “logical” enemy, Israel. Zionist puppetician GW Bush once read from an autocue that rationalized that this was “because they hate our freedoms”. But the real reason Al-Qaeda and ISIS “forgot” to attack Israel was because Zionist Israel was their top sponsor and their Big Boss. Zionism only gained a low-to-medium kill-count with terrorism (such as its 3000 victims on 11 Sep or by its bloodless “beheadings”). These Zionist twin-operations of terrorism and false-flag terrorism were much more about brainwashing through tell-lie-vision or the Zionist media;
- Other well-known forms of genocide ostensibly condemned by the UN include cultural genocide and racial genocide. The London elites committed cultural genocide against the Irish and Scots, when they enacted laws that compelled them to abandon their Gaelic language, on which their spoken traditions had been so dependent. Racial genocide can be achieved by a policy of planned miscegenation. As already stated, Zionist Luciferian-Freemasonry takes orders from its own capstone, called Zionist B'nai B'rith. The Zionist-controlled mainstream-media cover up the fact that the Zionists have long declared, published and even enacted their intentions to eradicate the White Christians of both Europe and North America;
- In Europe, the Kalergi Plan is the published Zionist plan to eradicate the White Christians of Europe both by cultural and racial genocide. The Kalergi Plan was published by the Zionist-Freemasonic super-lodge PAN EUROPA, also detailed by Zionist Freemason Gioele Magaldi in his 2014 book “Massoni”. In his book “Practical Idealism”, genocidal eugenicist Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi openly stated that he “wanted to completely destroy the face of Europe“ and that “Europeans are to become Asiatic-Negroid mongrels”. In the 1950s, this Kalergi Plan was adopted as the ethno-forming policy of New Soviet Europe (misleadingly titled the European “Union“). This Zionist project is designed to destroy the ethnicity of Europeans although Europe‘s public never consented to any cross-breeding policy. Rabid-Zionist Nicolas Sarkozy reaffirmed it in 2009 when he told the Brussels Journal: “… if the French do not interbreed of their own free will, it will be necessary for the French regime to resort to even more forcible measures”. Kalergi himself said that future Europeans “would resemble ancient Egyptians” but he was very much against asking Europeans for their consent to cultural suicide, which is precisely what the Kalergi Plan entails. In 1952, Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich echoed the Zionist Kalergi Plan speaking of the “last white generation”;
- In the USA, Zionist Luciferian-Freemasonry implemented the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 that abolished the National Origins Formula (which had made it very easy for North-Western-Europeans, but harder for others, to immigrate into the USA). After it passed, Rabid-Zionist Senator Jacob Javits, a major force behind the act, could scarcely conceal his joy, when he stated: “Now open the floodgates and watch as White Christian America just disappears”. The word “diversification” is an Orwellism for stamping out the White Christians of North America by cultural and racial genocide and, more particularly, all political influence Whites might like to dream they still have. Although diversity is one of America‘s biggest and most obvious weaknesses, in truly Orwellian fashion the Zionist ACLU declared it the very opposite. In a nutshell, the “diversification” program is Zionism's North American equivalent of the Kalergi Plan;
- Furthermore, based on all the published Zionist plans to wipe out White Christians, Zionism played a clear and unmistakable role over the past century in efforts to first legalize abortion and then make it available in most neighborhoods, especially poor ones. And although the Abortion Holocaust (of 1 billion children and counting) was, and still is, based on billions of individual decisions, a huge proportion of it must be “credited” to the potent efforts of both Zionism and Zionist Luciferian-Freemasonry. God said increase and multiply (meaning preserve your population-pyramids) but Satan said kill, and in particular kill the unborn. The father of vaccine-genocider Baal Gates headed up Planned Parenthood (formerly called the American Eugenics Society) and he made sure that his abortion mills were made available to most neighborhoods, especially poor ones. His Zionist bosses “credited” him with the genocide of 40-80 million unborn children;
- The great Jewish anti-Zionist Henry Makow says the Talmud and Kabbalah both prove that the real Jewish Covenant is not with God but with Satan; and he calls Judaism a satanic cult, plain and simple. He added that, throughout history, Jews have behaved in a totally barbaric fashion, especially whenever they held the upper hand. This was shown during the Red Terror after the Bolshevik-Zionist revolution, the Ukrainian Holodomor, the covered-up genocide of tens of millions of German-Christian civilians after WW2 (after Germany had surrendered on VE Day, 8 May 1945), and in Palestine and the Mid-East;
- The Noahide Laws, and also the “Six Million” slogan later adopted by Zionism in the 1880s, were both the invention of a 12th-century rabbi called Moses Maimonides. The Noahide Laws by Maimonides are a list of seven laws this rabbi invented for all humanity, the children of Noah. Any rabbi who updates the Torah gets to change the whole religion called Judaism, whose current release-version is very much younger than either Christianity or Islam, which are both far older than Judaism. The Noahide Laws invented by Maimonides may look benign but in fact place humanity under the thumb of Satanists posing as rabbis;
- Both doomsday sect Chabad Lubavitch and Orthodox Judaism forced all US presidents since Freemason Ronald Reagan to sign the Noahide Laws invented by Maimonides. They classify Christianity as idolatry, making it punishable by beheading. The Noahide Laws are signed into US law and justify the planned genocide of all US Christians for the cause of Zionism. It is sad but true that the world's top Zionists are planning another Christian Holocaust for the ones they view as their biggest impediment to power. The Kabbalah recommends the extermination of all goyim-gentiles as “the highest religious duty of Jews”. Only then will the Jews be able to flourish. And that explains a great deal of what is happening today. The Kabbalist plan is to employ the tools of chaos-magic (deception, lies, witchcraft, black magic) to obtain the conquest of the gentile world and to launch a satanic kingdom on Earth, albeit an unholy hell for gentiles;
- The Zionist-controlled mainstream-media have transformed Christians, and recently in particular many European Christians, into Anti-Islamic Zombies who rail against the prospect of Sharia Law. But Sharia Law is virtually harmless and it pales into insignificance compared to the Noahide Laws or to Talmudic Law, both of which are now on the law-books to enable the Zionist regimes of Europe and North America to “legally” genocide all goyim-gentile Christians in keeping with Zionism's openly published genocidal plans. Remember, Freemasons are not Christian but Zionists, and all the Zionist puppeticians and regimes of Europe already openly demonstrated their loyalty in 2020 by clicking their heels, raising their right arms and saluting “Heil Satan-Yahoo”. So never even think for one minute that Zionist puppeticians or regimes might ever even lift a finger to help you or your family. Forget that. Because your “leaders” are all traitors;
- When Rabid-Zionist puppeticians in Israel proposed the annexation of the remainder of Palestine in 2017, Abby Martin interviewed ordinary Khazarian bigots in Israel who openly expressed support for genociding all Semitic Arabs. All the Khazarians interviewed were brainwashed bigots denying that Khazarian Jews (non-Semitic Eastern Europeans) had stolen Arab territory to which they had no historical connection and no right. The video can still be viewed on YouTube, since Mossad “forgot” to ban it as clearly Anti-Semitic;
- All the above explains how the Zionists can easily fool “cov-idots” into falling for the hoax and into wearing the medical equivalent of a tin-foil hat, i.e. a face-mask-muzzle, although the whole affair was only ever the regular flu. Today, we can confirm with absolute certainty that the Zionists have controlled both sides of all major wars and crises for well over 130 years. The House of Rothschild launched Zionism in the 1880s, the same decade in which it bought the controlling interests in all three leading news-agencies of Europe‘s mainstream-press (Reuters, Wolff, Havas). Rothschild-Zionism was thus born controlling what most people got from their media. Today, the Rothschilds still have a world monopoly on “news” thanks to owning both Reuters and Associated Press. That makes it “easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy” for them to decide the official-“truth” narrative for current and hence past events (and warp all “history” books). They also run the world's fake-news channels Faux News (Fox), SEE-and-hear BS (CBS), Criminal Network News (CNN), American Brain Cleanser (ABC), the Beast's Brainwashing Corporation (BBC), Crap Nothing But Crap (CNBC) etc.;
- So, given all the above, you can see how the Zionists destroyed very many cases of “the world we knew”. There were many systematic demolition jobs envisioned by their published plans and you may have falsely assumed these took place by “coincidence”, but they were planned. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once gave a perceptive criticism of the Jews when he said: “This crafty race has one great principle; as long as order prevails, there is nothing to be gained”. So, where did the homogenous USA of 1965 or the homogenous England or France of 1955 go? Where are the factories of the Rust Belt? And where are the Latin Mass or the seven intact sacraments of Traditional Catholicism? Why did so many people abandon the country life for the surveillance of the “smart”-cities? There can be no doubt but that Zionism's various published agendas planned all of these systematic demolition jobs, every last one. The motto of Zionism would seem to be: “If it ain't broke, then let us keep fixing it or else there will be nothing in it for us”.
- BUT now that the Zionist agenda has clearly broken the surface, the whole world can also see the satanic face of Zionism unmasked. So, whatever you do, please get right with God now, or soon, and get yourself and your family well-prepared for what is coming. There is a lot the Zionists want done by 2030, as their agenda now shifts into top-gear.
- Under cross-examination at the trial of Ernst Zündel, Rabid-Zionist historian Raul Hilberg had to admit the PLAIN TRUTH, namely that he never found evidence for the existence of an NSDAP policy to exterminate the Jews, nor evidence of a plan, nor evidence of central NSDAP orchestration of such a plan or policy, nor evidence of a budget, nor evidence of supervision of such a policy;
- Zionist Israeli lawyer Aryeh Leon Kubovy founded the World Jewish Congress in 1936. Kubovy also admitted that “there exists no document signed by Adolf, Himmler or Heydrich that ever spoke of ‘exterminating' the Jews and … the word ‘extermination' does not appear in the letter from Göring to Heydrich concerning the final solution to the Jewish question”. In the official policy of both Zionism and the NSDAP, the final solution to the Jewish question always meant the founding of a Jewish state;
- Although the Zionists are well aware that there is ZERO evidence of any NSDAP order to murder European Jewry, they still continue to bear false witness against Germany and Germans (as does Satan-Yahoo in his speeches, e.g. to the UN), by claiming that the Wannsee Minutes dated 20 Jan 1942 discussed the extermination of Jewry when in fact they merely discussed RELOCATING MANY BUT NOT ALL JEWS and you can verify this fact by reading the Wannsee Minutes in English here:
or in German here:
Over 100,000 Jews had fought for the Kaiser in WW1 (10,000 of them volunteers), and a massive 35,000 Jews were decorated, so the NSDAP was certainly not about to have such German war-heroes, or their loved ones, relocated. Any Jew who was to remain among the Germans would have earned that right;
- From 1933-39, Adolf permitted all Jews to leave Germany or regions occupied by Germany, and he ordered the German state to finance their departure (meaning free-passage). And that explains why the headcount of people who call themselves “Holocaust Survivors” came to several million (with many of those Jewish people going to Palestine, the USA, Canada, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Argentina etc.);
- A maximum of around 4 million Jews lived in all the areas that came under German control during WW2;
- On 30 Jun 1965, West Germany‘s Zionist regime (led by Luciferian-Freemason pro-London-NY-Axis-pawn Konrad Adenauer) announced that some 3,375,000 Jewish Holocaust Survivors had already by then applied for reparation money. This further corroborates the estimated headcount that roughly 4 million Holocaust Survivors in fact left Europe in 1933-39, because hundreds of thousands more survivors of the Jewish Holocaust applied for reparation money after 30 Jun 1965;
- The bottom line is that the roughly 90,000 victims of the Jewish Holocaust died mostly of starvation or disease, both caused by Allied bombings that destroyed the German infrastructure, thus halting most food and medicine deliveries to the labor-camps. None of them died due to genocidal intent. FINAL STATS: In 1946, the International Red Cross had already reported that, of registered labor-camp inmates, no more than 300,000 could have died, and their audit update of 31 Dec 1983 records a total of 282,077 registered deaths of all internees in all German labor-camps, from all causes. The total IRC stats are shown here (with roughly perhaps 30 percent of them Jews) in the following graphic:
jpg ; - It is very important to realize that the International Red Cross (IRC) would have had genuine propaganda motives to lie by hiking the Jewish death-toll stats because the IRC is a Rothschild organization whose land in Geneva-Switzerland was “donated” by the House of Rothschild. The IRC is still headquartered directly beside the Rothschild castle Château des Penthes on Lake Geneva today, in the Pregny-Chambésy district;
- The official figures of the International Red Cross (IRC) say that only up to ninety-thousand Jews died in German labor-camps, none by gassing and mostly from typhoid. You can still read these official IRC figures today in the Arolsen Archives in the town of Bad Arolsen near Kassel in the state of Hessen-Germany. The Arolsen Archives split the victims by ethnicity and religion and were used for ALL compensation cases by Germany‘s post-WW2 Zionist regimes. Taking the maximum 30 percent of the victims as Jewish, the total death-toll of the Jewish Holocaust was 84,623 in the labor-camps (but maybe around 90,000 overall if you include outdoor shootings of Jewish people on the Eastern Front). According to the IRC records, the vast majority of the labor-camp inmates and victims (over 70 percent in total) were Polish Catholics, Orthodox East Europeans, Ethnic-European Jehovah's Witnesses, Ethnic-German communists (Bolshevik-Zionists) or “plain” socialists, Ethnic-European trade-unionists, Ethnic-German NSDAP-dissidents, Ethnic-European resistance, Ethnic-European criminals, Ethnic-Roma / Ethnic-Sinti (gypsies), Ethnic-European homosexuals or lesbians, Ethnic-European spies, Ethnic-European Freemasons classified as “humanistic”, mentally-ill Ethnic-Europeans and retards, physically-handicapped Ethnic-Europeans, Ethnic-European partisans or political prisoners, Ethnic-Europeans deemed “troublemakers” by the NSDAP, and many other categories. Important pedagogic example: In most Polish families today, people are very well aware that the vast majority of the victims of Auschwitz (situated just east of Krakow-Poland) were in fact Polish Catholics;
- Zyklon-B was a household delousing agent available in hardware stores across Central Europe and North America for delousing clothes. It was an insecticide that was manufactured by Degesch, a German company whose full name was “die Deutsche Gesellschaft für SchädlingsBekämpfung”;
- The Zionists claim that the NSDAP “forgot” to use other much-more-powerful chemicals it had available (including nerve-gases Sarin and Tabun that were even stored very close to Auschwitz) and “opted” instead to use the household delousing agent Zyklon-B to kill Jews in alleged “gas chambers”. That would be like choosing to kill people using household fly-spray when you already have vastly more powerful nerve-agents or methods available for the “industrial genocide processes” that the Zionists allege. Even if “Zyklon B” is spoken with a Deep Dark Darth Vader voice, a lie remains a lie.
- Zionism and the NSDAP are truly the Terrible Twins, truly a case of two peas in a pod. Zionism and the NSDAP are both satanic in nature, and both were formed as two sides of the same coin by the same London Luciferian-Freemasonic lodge called QUATUOR CORONATI, hence the term Rothschild-Zionism;
- In her book “Hitler; Founder of Israel”, Hennecke Kardel quotes a book called “Before Hitler Came”, by the German Jew Dietrich Bronder, which claimed that not only Adolf, but his leading associates all had Jewish descent or relatives: Reichskanzler Adolf; Reichsminister Rudolf Hess; Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring; Reichsführer Gregor Strasser; Dr Josef Goebbels; Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank, Heinrich Himmler; Reichsminister von Ribbentrop (who was a very close friend of top Zionist Chaim Weizmann, first head of the state of Israel); Walter von Keudell; field commanders Odilo Globocnik; Jordan and Wilhelm Hube; and the major SS-heads Reinhard Heydrich and Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski. These were all NSDAP Zionists who were Jewish or part-Jewish and who wanted to force the German Jews to move to Palestine;
- So, in truth, the NSDAP was led by Zionists (including Adolf Hitler himself, who was a Zionist);
- The Zionists created Nazism and the NSDAP. In his 1988 book “The Man Who Would Be Messiah”, Rabbi Gunther Plaut confirmed that the NSDAP was a creation of the Zionists and Sabbatean-Frankists: “The satanic plague devouring humanity [in WW2] originated with the Sabbatean-Frankist cult, a satanic Jewish movement based on the Kabbalah that absorbed half the Jews of Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries. They were chameleons [conversos] who pretended to convert. And Satanist Jews infiltrated and subverted all major religions, organizations and governments. They are the progenitors of the “Illuminati”, Zionism, communism, fascism and they control Freemasonry. The ‘new' world order is their goal“. Note: One such Sabbatean-Frankist is Benjamin Satan-Yahoo, which means that Rabbi Gunther Plaut was confirming that the very likes of Satan-Yahoo were the ones who created the NSDAP. No surprise there;
- The Zionists financed Nazism and the NSDAP into existence. The 1986 book “Hitler's Secret Backers” by Sidney Warburg gives more details of how hard the Zionists worked to get Adolf into power. It details five major meetings in 1929-33. The first took place in a beer cellar, where Adolf calculated his needs on the back of a paper plate. The Zionists transferred about 25 million USD dollars (equivalent to about 1.7 billion USD dollars in 2020). This was very important because the NSDAP used much of this money to provide jobs for desperate Germans. Adolf could have just confiscated all German-Jewish wealth. But instead he used the “Haavara Treaty” to help establish the state of Israel. According to prominent German journalist Klaus Polkehn, Adolf personally guaranteed this program in the face of stiff opposition. It ran until the start of WW2 in Sep 1939 and it is a proven fact that Adolf kept his end of the bargain with his Zionist backers;
- The biggest Zionist sponsor of Nazism and the NSDAP was the Zionist Bank of England. It remained the chief sponsor of Adolf and the NSDAP until Sep 1939. Adolf was a Satanist and an avid follower of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. Zionist Bank of England governor Montagu Norman was a Satanist and an avid follower of Blavatsky. Montagu Norman liaised with the NSDAP through New Yorker Hjalmar Schacht, the Zionist Freemason who was the NSDAP's finance wizard. In 1934, the Bank of England decided to continue financing the NSDAP “as a stabilizing influence”. The bankster Charles Hambro was a Jewish member of the Bank of England's board, and it almost unanimously backed this 1934 decision. But not all powerful Jews were pro-NSDAP, just as not all powerful British Jews had favored the Balfour Declaration, which became one of Zionism's biggest successes. Only the Rothschilds and Samuels had been for it, but the other powerful Jewish capos of Britain (Cohen, Magnus, Mountefiore and Montagu) had opposed it;
- The Zionists were overjoyed when “their man Adolf” came to power on 30 Jan 1933. A few days after Adolf became German chancellor, Rabbi Leo Baeck, a leader of several Zionist organizations in Germany, announced publicly that the interests of Jewry were identical with the interests of national socialism, placing Baeck right on target (the NSDAP and Zionism having always been practically identical twins);
- The Zionists were first to use the 45-degree clockwise swastika as their political symbol. Although the Zionists and the NSDAP were both spawned at roughly the same time by the Luciferian-Freemasonic lodge QUATUOR CORONATI in London, the Zionists were the first of the two to use the swastika. In the first communist regime of Russia, in 1917, the Bolshevik-Zionists placed this Freemasonic swastika on Russian banknotes. Originally, the 45-degree clockwise swastika was designed by Satanist and QUATUOR CORONATI member Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. Luciferian-Freemasonry always inverts religious symbols;
- The Zionists invented the term “the Final Solution”. This term in fact originated from the 1897 “Theses”, published by Cologne‘s National Jewish Association, which said: “The Final Solution of the Jewish Question lies therefore in the establishment of the Jewish state”. In 1899, Theodor Herzl amplified its definition when he proposed that his “Final Solution” must include the liquidation of Jewish wealth (so as to compel by theft the migration of Jews to Palestine): “It is essential that the sufferings of Jews … become worse … this will assist us in the realization of our plans. I have an excellent idea … I will induce anti-Jewish people to liquidate Jewish wealth … Those anti-Jewish people will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-Jewish people will be our best friends”;
- The Zionists forced the NSDAP to oblige Jews to wear the yellow “JUDE” star (and ordered the yellow “JUIF” star for the Jews of Vichy France). Prior to 1948, few people viewed the six-pointed star as Jewish. It was known as the Star of Molech, the Babylonian god of child-sacrifice, the same god the Zionists still worship every year at Bohemian Grove California. The Zionists forced the NSDAP to adopt this yellow star despite the objections of Göring and Goebbels. Josef Ginsburg (penname “Joseph G Burg”) was a German-Jewish writer who was born in 1908 in Chernowitz-Austria-Hungary (now Ukraine) and died in Munich-Germany in 1990. Like most pre-WW2 Jews, Ginsburg was both anti-NSDAP and anti-Zionist. He showed how, as early as 1933, the German Zionist leaders requested that Jews be required to wear the Yellow Star although both Göring and Goebbels vehemently opposed this. The Zionists saw it not as an insult but as a heroic gesture (just like SS men wearing various Germanic symbols). In 1938, the Zionist leader in NSDAP Germany succeeded in getting a law passed that forced Jews to wear the yellow star;
- The Zionists used the NSDAP as their very own squad of hit-men to assassinate for the rabbis many prominent Catholics who had spoken out. These included “unauthorized” opponents of both the NSDAP and Zionism like St Maximilian Kolbe, St Edith Stein and Irène Némirovsky, all murdered by the NSDAP;
- The Zionist Party was the only other political party in NSDAP Germany that enjoyed any measure of freedom. The strongly pro-Zionist leadership of the NSDAP gave VERY special treatment to Germany‘s Zionist Party. Under the 1935 Nuremberg Laws, only two flags were permitted in NSDAP Germany: One was the swastika; the other was the blue-and-white banner of Zionism. The Zionists and the NSDAP had the same common interest, namely forcing or coercing Jews to migrate to Palestine;
- The Zionists financed concentration camps to intern “stubborn” Jews who refused to migrate to Palestine. The Zionists financed the building of concentration camps, such as Theresienstadt, for interning Jews. On 18 Jan 1941, Adolf received a financing offer from the Zionist terror organization NMO (National Military Organization, Irgun Tzwai Leumi, known simply as “the Irgun”). The terror group was founded by Rabid-Zionist Vladimir Jabotinsky and it later bombed Jerusalem‘s King David Hotel. One of its members was Rabid-Zionist terrorist Menachem Begin. Adolf accepted the Zionist offer to finance the Theresienstadt camp and it opened in spring 1941 for the internment of “stubborn” Jews, just as the Zionists had ordered;
- The Zionists did not invent anti-Jewish sentiment, but harnessed it and called for it to be increased. In his “Diaries”, Theodor Herzl wrote: “The Anti-Jewish people will become our surest friends, anti-Jewish countries our allies”. And indeed, historically, Zionists have aligned themselves many times with many anti-Jewish forces, ranging from Czarist Russia, to NSDAP Germany to anti-Jewish Arabs in the Middle-East;
- The Zionists started WW2: There can be no doubt that both WW1 and WW2 were started by B'nai B'rith and its Luciferian-Freemasonic gophers. Historian Webster Tarpley showed how, from 1870-1910, Satanist Edward VII dedicated himself to intervening in politics, like no English monarch before, so as to establish Europe‘s baneful Alliance System as two armed camps pitting three of the Great Powers against the other two. Satanist Edward VII was the Rabid-Zionist mastermind behind WW1 and WW2. He was a top member of QUATUOR CORONATI, which also created both Zionism and the NSDAP as its own Hegelian Dialectic;
- The Zionists started WW2: In the pro-Zionist New York Times of 30 Sep 1997, Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz blamed the Zionists for starting WW2: “By using the new atheist exile politics, the Zionists provoked and increased anti-Jewish sentiment in Europe which led to WW2 … The worldwide Zionist boycott against Germany in 1933 and later the all-out declaration of war against Germany, initiated by the Zionist leaders and the World Jewish Congress …”;
- The Zionists started WW2: In 1932, Bernard Lecache, president of the World Jewish League, said: “Germany is our Public Enemy Number One. It is our object to declare war without mercy against her”;
- The Zionists started WW2: In 1934, Rabid-Zionist David Brown, president of American Hebrew and national chairman of the United Jewish Campaign (as quoted in Edmonson's “I Testify”, p 188) stated: “We Jews are going to bring war on Germany“;
- The Zionists started WW2: In his 1930s book “La Nouvelle Sainte-Alliance” (“The New Holy Alliance”), Zionist Emil Ludwig Cohn said: “Adolf will have no war (he does not want war), but we will force it on him, not this year, but soon”;
- The Zionists started WW2: On 8 Oct 1940, the Jewish magazine of Chicago also admitted: “When the national socialists and their friends whisper that this war was brought about by Jews, they are perfectly right”;
- The first reason the Zionists worked so closely with the Zionist NSDAP was so as to use “good-cop-bad-cop” psychology on all Jews in German-occupied Europe, in which up to 4 million Jews lived. The Zionist half of the operation was to be the “good cop” for telling Jews that it was in their own best interests to move to Palestine. The NSDAP served as the “bad cop” for telling Jews that they would end up interned in NSDAP labor-camps if they did not migrate. Some Jews chose to take their chances, at least for a while;
- The second reason the Zionists worked so closely with the Zionist NSDAP was because Zionism is a form of Satanism and therefore wishes to sacrifice Jews to its godhead Satan so as to achieve its worldly goals;
- Darwinian Selection: In 1933-39, the NSDAP worked closely with its sister lodge Zionism, with both of them cooperating in the Zionist selection process that insisted that the “best” Jews must go to Palestine. The Zionists deemed rich, young, strong and willing Jews to be the “best”. Least desirable to them were poor, old, weak Jews, especially those who were reluctant to move to Palestine. Overall, the Jews interned in labor-camps were those whom the Zionists deemed less desirable. Everyone knows that Darwinism is yet another outgrowth of Satanism; and this Zionist selection process was plainly Darwinian, with “desirables” migrating with “nobodies or undesirables” staying behind in labor-camps. The NSDAP implemented this selection process for its Zionist bosses until 1939 because, after all, the NSDAP had a common interest with Zionism, so it followed Zionist orders, because the NSDAP wanted rid of as many Jews as possible;
- Free Passage: The main basis for NSDAP-Zionist collaboration from 1933-39 was their treaty called the Haavara Agreement (or Transfer Agreement), which guaranteed that Adolf's regime would pay free-passage for any German Jew wanting to emigrate from Germany to Palestine and allow all German Jews to take unlimited amounts of capital with them. In the event, a total of 35 billion USD dollars worth of Jewish assets in Germany (equivalent to about 2,000 billion or 2 trillion USD dollars in 2020) got transferred to Palestine under the Haavara or Transfer Agreement, with 120,000 German Jews emigrating under the terms of this treaty. Meanwhile, in Palestine, the Jewish population grew by 274,390 (from 174,610 in 1931, to 449,000 in 1939) so maybe more than the official 120,000 headcount of German Jews emigrated there;
- Evidence of Zionism sacrificing Jews to Satan: In Nov 1942, Rabbi Michael Dov Weismandel, a Jewish activist in Slovakia, asked Adolf Eichmann's representative, Dieter Wisliceny: “How much money would be needed for all the European Jews to be saved?”. Wisliceny went to Berlin and returned with the answer: For a mere 2 million USD dollars they could have all the Jews in Western Europe and the Balkans. Weismandel sent a courier to the World Zionist Organization in Switzerland. But his request was denied. The Zionist official in Switzerland was Nathan Schwalb, who only sent enough money to save Weismandel and his top cadre, and also wrote: “About the cries coming from your country, we should know that all the Allied nations are spilling much of their blood and if we do not sacrifice any blood, by what right shall we merit coming before the bargaining table when they divide nations and lands at the war's end? … for only with blood shall we get the land“. Satanism is all about blood sacrifice and Satanists refer to blood as “spiritual currency”. Already in the early 1940s, Zionism had already come clean by telling the ice-cold truth about itself: AND INSTEAD OF ZIONISM BEING THE HOPE OF JEWS, JEWISH BLOOD WAS TO BE THE POLITICAL SALVATION OF ZIONISM. And that is the truth about Zionism. Furthermore, Nathan Schwalb had unwittingly confirmed to the whole world that Zionism is in fact Satanism. The Zionists worked WITH their sister-lodge, the NSDAP, to “encourage” (nay compel) European Jewry to relocate to Palestine (which was the whole name of the game). And in this way the Zionists again proved that they and their sister-lodge the NSDAP were only ever two sides of the very same coin. And that is precisely what the London Luciferian-Freemasonic lodge QUATUOR CORONATI had originally founded them both to be;
- Evidence of Zionism sacrificing Jews to Satan: In his 1977 book “Holocaust Victims Accuse”, Rabbi Moshe Schonfeld accused the Zionists of collaborating directly and indirectly in NSDAP killings of Jews. He called the Zionists “war criminals” for usurping the leadership of the Jewish people, betraying them to be slaughtered, and then reaping the moral capital from their own treachery. Schonfeld stated: “The Zionist approach that Jewish blood is the anointing oil needed for the wheels of the Jewish state is not a thing of the past. It remains operable to this very day”. The clear implication is that, at heart, Zionism is not really a pro-Jewish movement. In the words of veteran Israeli puppetician Eliezer Livneh: “The Zionist heritage had in it something flawed to begin with”. Rabbi Schonfeld cites numerous instances where Zionists sabotaged attempts to give resistance to the NSDAP, or to organize ransom or relief. The Zionists undermined an effort by Vladimir Jabotinsky to arm Jews before WW2. They stopped a program to send food parcels to the ghettos (where child mortality was 60 percent) saying “that violated the boycott”. They thwarted a British parliamentary initiative to send Jewish refugees to Mauritius, demanding they go to Palestine instead. They blocked a similar initiative in the US congress. At the same time, they rescued young Zionists. Zionist chief Chaim Weizmann said callously: “Every nation has its dead in its fight for its homeland; those who suffered under Adolf are our dead”. He then called the Jewish dead “moral and economic dust in a cruel world”, effectively insisting that Jews must submit to compulsory suicide for the satanic cause of Zionism;
- Evidence of Zionism sacrificing Jews to Satan: The “Illuminati” and Zionist leaders claim to “mourn” the Jewish Holocaust when, all the while, the leaders of the “Illuminati” and of Zionism were complicit in orchestrating the Jewish Holocaust for satanic blood sacrifice to their godhead Satan so he would give them the Jewish Homeland in Palestine. Zionist Moshe Sharett, the second prime-minister of Israel, confirmed: “Sometimes it is necessary to sacrifice the few in order to save the many”;
- Evidence of Zionism sacrificing Jews to Satan: The Chief Rabbi of Stockholm, Rabid-Zionist Mordecai Ehrenpreis, scuttled a Swedish attempt to rescue 10,000 Jews. Under Zionist pressure, the regimes of Allied and neutral countries refused many Jews entry, so that they would instead be coerced into migrating to Palestine against their will. That was yet more pure evil in the same Zionist “good-cop-bad-cop” plan;
- Evidence of Zionism sacrificing Jews to Satan: The powerful doomsday sect Chabad-Lubavitch wants Armageddon NOW in modern Israel so as to torch the 6 million Jews of Israel as a burnt offering to its godhead Satan in return for inheriting the Earth (sic) so that Chabad-Lubavitch will rule over all mankind;
- Evidence of Zionism sacrificing Jews to Satan: A famous “Illuminati” defector goes by the pseudonym Svali. She confirmed that the “Illuminati” will end up sacrificing Israel and the Jews of Israel as a burnt offering to Satan, when she wrote: “The conflict in the Middle East is only to the advantage of the ‘Illuminati'. They HATE Israel, and hope one day to see it destroyed, and are biding their time. One of the olive branches offered by the UN, when it takes over, is that they will prevent war in the Middle East, and this will be greeted with joy by many. At the same time, the ‘Illuminati' covertly supply guns and funds to BOTH sides to keep the Mid-East conflict fuelled. The ‘Illuminati' are very duplicitous people … They love the game of chess and see warfare between nations as a way of creating order out of chaos”;
- Evidence of Zionism sacrificing Jews to Satan: In Jan 1952, Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich discussed the Zionist plan for WW3, and said: “We may have to repeat the grim days of WW2, WHEN WE WERE FORCED to allow the NSDAP bandits to sacrifice some of our people …“. Zionism was again openly admitting here that the sacrifice of Jews in WW2 was very much their own doing, and that THEY had used those Jews as political capital. In 1952, he also explained why they will sacrifice Jews in WW3 too: “… in order that we may have adequate documentation and witnesses to legally justify our trial and execution of the leaders of the USA and Russia as war criminals, after we have dictated the peace”;
- Evidence that Zionism is both anti-Jewish and satanic: In 1948, orthodox rabbi Rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandl correctly referred to Rothschild-agent Theodor Herzl as “the scoundrel who founded Zionism”. And Rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandl wrote a short book called “TEN QUESTIONS TO THE ZIONISTS”. Every Zionist should really read that book to experience a rude awakening. In it, Rabbi Weissmandl accuses the Zionists of always having sought the deaths of Jews as blood sacrifice for their worldly goals;
- Evidence that Zionism is both anti-Jewish and satanic: There are thousands of orthodox Jewish rabbis, like Rabbi Moshe Schonfeld, who have always understood the reality of Zionism. These rabbis have always rejected the state of Israel and remained faithful to the Torah. Most good Jews reject the state of Israel;
- Evidence that Zionism is both anti-Jewish and satanic: Rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandl gave a warning to the Zionists: “Our Torah, in Tractate Ketubot, folio 111, specifies that the Creator, blessed be He, swore the Jews not to occupy the Holy Land by force, even if it appears that they have the force to do so; and not rebel against the nations”. Zionism continues to ignore this Divine Commandment, proving itself satanic;
- Evidence that Zionism is both anti-Jewish and satanic: Jewish anti-Zionist Henry Makow wrote: “Today, society has been inducted into Jewish Kabbalism and Satan-worship. This is the true meaning of the ‘new' world order”. And that is mostly thanks to Zionist Hollywood;
- Evidence that Zionism is both anti-Jewish and satanic: The Zionist six-pointed star is the highest symbol in the occult and goes by various names; Star of Molech (Babylonian god of child-sacrifice), Star of Saturn, Star of Remphan, Star of Chiun. It corresponds to the Luciferian-Freemasonic square and compass;
- Evidence that Zionism used “good-cop-bad-cop” psychology elsewhere so as to migrate Jews: We have seen a lot of evidence to know for sure that NSDAP policy toward Jews was in fact the NSDAP carrying out Zionist policy. But there also other cases when the Zionists repeated this. Zionists used many other false-flag attacks against Jews. In the 1950s, Naeim Giladi discovered that a campaign of anti-Jewish sentiment and bombings in Iraq had been engineered by the Zionists so as to dupe Iraqi Jews like himself into moving to Israel. In 1950, a wave of anti-Jewish sentiment and terrorism in Iraq prompted Naeim Giladi to join the Zionist underground at 21. Giladi was imprisoned, tortured and sentenced to death by Iraqi authorities. He escaped and fled to Israel only to discover that the anti-Jewish sentiment and bombings of Iraq had been engineered by his fellow Zionists to dupe Iraqi Jews like himself into moving to Israel. Giladi's family was part of a Jewish community that had settled in Babylon around 600 BC (1200 years before Islam) and thrived. In the late 1940s, Iraqi prime-minister Nouri-el-Said (a British pawn) fired his Jewish regime-employees, denied permits to Jewish merchants and, finally in March 1950, revoked Iraqi citizenship from all Jews. But still they did not leave. In Jan 1951, when a bomb thrown at a synagogue killed three and wounded 30, the exodus of now-frightened Jews jumped to 600-700 a day. This and other Zionist false-flag terror attacks on Jews are documented in Giladi's 1992 book “Ben-Gurion's Scandals: How the Mossad and the Haganah Eliminated Jews”. By Jan 1952, all but 6000 of 125,000 Iraqi Jews had fled to Israel where, as “Arabic Jews”, they were treated as second-class citizens. Israel wanted them to perform the menial tasks vacated by the Palestinians. Of his people, Giladi concludes: “An ancient, cultured prosperous community had been uprooted and its people transplanted to a land dominated by Khazari, Eastern-European Jews, whose culture was not only foreign but entirely hateful toward them”. The fate of these 119,000 Iraqi Jews was typical for all the half-million Jews from Arab countries whom the Zionists coerced into “migrating” to Israel. And this belies the Zionist argument that these Jews were “expelled” by Muslim countries. It was the Zionists who forced them to move by paying strategic bribes. The Zionists coerced the majority of today's six million Israeli Jews into going there. Only a minority of cases involved Jews voluntarily moving to Israel. The Zionists have yet more plans for transferring other Jews they still view as “exiles” (such as Jews living in leafy suburbs of London or NY). Many non-Israeli Jews simply state that the Zionists want them dead.
Zionism draws its members from ALL religions. Christian Zionists are the most dangerous Rabid-Zionists of all;
Zionists have planned, orchestrated, financed and committed the biggest genocides in all of human history;
Zionism is a geopolitical, satanic cult encapsulating the vanguard-ideology of the “new” world order;
Furthermore, Zionism is an integral part of the end-times struggle and its main goal is to establish the reign of the Antichrist in Jerusalem. The “holy” books of Zionism (Talmud, Kabbalah, Zohar and “Protocols”) stipulate that all the wealth of the world must first be owned by the Jews, after which all non-Jews must be genocided;
Finally, Jews, and Zionists of all religions, still practice human sacrifice today, especially child-sacrifice, although it is unknown what percentages of each group is involved in this.
Phi Beta Iota: Child kidnapping, rape, torture, and related blood drinking and body part harvesting (cannibalism) are pure Satanic ritual and it appears that leaders in all religions including particularly the Catholic and Mormon religions, consider themselves Satanists above all. Learn more below.
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