Def Dog: USA Funded Virus Research and Used Outbreak Against Its Citizens


USA Funded Virus Research and Used Outbreak Against Its Citizens

While the outrageously conflicted investigative commission put together by the World Health Organization has dismissed the possibility of SARS-CoV-2 being a lab-leaked virus, deciding to pursue the imported frozen food theory instead,1,2,3 the lab-origin story refuses to die, and for good reason. Most of the year of 2020 the narrative dominating the news was that this virus was from the wild, yet we have known since as early as February, 2020 that this was a cover for what I knew to be highly suspicious of a genocidal event. Truth eventually surfaces and although it may take some time, it will make the light of day! From my years of following the Club of Rome, and the grand plan of “Depopulation”, it seemed to me to be more than circumstantial what Covid-19 really was.

See full pdf  HERE

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