Anthony Judge: Meta-pattern via Engendering and Navigating “Pantheons” of Belief?


Exploration of three-dimensional patterns inspired by mathematical experience of interrelationship

See links for table of contents below fold

Emergence of a pantheon — cognitive or otherwise
Pantheons as patterns of cognitive N-foldness
Pantheon dynamics in a globalized semi-secular civilization?
Mathematical theology enabling the quest for a meta-pattern?
Complex equations forming “pantheons” of mathematical experience?
Polyhedra suggestive of arrays of requisite variety of pantheons in 3D
Configuring the 64 subjects of mathematics as a 64-edged drilled truncated cube
Exploring potential dynamics within a pantheon?
Engendering and navigating pantheons — “angelic” and “demonic”?
Pantheon as a psychosocial “O-ring” — speculatively understood?

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