During this extended webinar I will answer both the questions from last week you can see here, and the questions below for this week.
AI Who benefits from a rogue AI and would taking down the interview disable/kill it?
ARISE I would definitely use the picture including our wonderful American Indians in the background of the picture for the ARISE Mt Rushmore picture
ARISE What dates will u be in Missouri for your Patriot rally? – Which website/page gives dates?
BANK COLLAPSE Do you have confirmation of Parkes report that bank bailout is happening with the Royal Bank of Canada by Trudeau, and customers locked out of accounts
BIDEN I've heard no good explanation of how the voice of an actor can mimic Biden's voice and supposedly pass a voice recognition test. Your take?
CDC Heart Math proves energy fields surround us and interact with other fields of people. 6 feet stops this interaction fostering isolation detrimental to us. Your thoughts on this as the reason CDC says stay 6 ft apart?
CLONES clones, body doubles etc. at every turn. If the president and others are body doubles why isnt the military jumping on this…sounds fishy
CONSTITUTIONAL LAWYER Do you know of a constitutional lawyer in OH or in MA?
COVID Dr. Derek Knauss & collegues were unable to find virus other than influenza A and B in 1500 positive patients. CDC admits has no identifiable virus. Would you discuss?
CYNTHIA Is there any chance Dr. McKinney will be present at any of the stops? If so, do you know which ones?
DS TAKING OVER You, Juan etc have asked Patriots to remain calm. How long must we stand down? Can't much longer. Don't see anything happening.
DURHAM Durham mia? and Japan PM met with Biden on U.S. soil that's acknowledging him as President no?
EARTH 4.0 When will you get an audience with Trump's inner circle to present your ‘Earth 4.0 Master Plans' Trump or someone from his inner circle?
EARTH INTEL MOVIES I haven't been able to find the movies that have been made. Pedophile, Satanic situation, Un-riged that are being made. Please advise?
ELECTION FRAUD 2020 Who do you think it was that gave the order, to stop the ballot counting, in the six swing states?
ELON MUSK Electric vehicles, SpaceX, telecom, energy, transportation, tunneling, artificial intelligence, healthcare. Who is giving Elon Musk the billions of dollars to do all this?
EU At what level do you estimate the probability of total war in Europe if the unlawful Biden administration is not immediately deposed?
HRC I read that HRC was convicted by military tribunal on 4/16/21 for murder and other crimes against humanity. Can you confirm?
JUAN What happened to Juan O Savin?
MALACHI MARTIN Have you ever read ‘Windswept House' by Malachi Martin, a now deceased Jesuit, wherein he described a satanic ritual taking place inside the Vatican?
TAX REFORM If you're recommending a 20% tax on securities transactions (buy AND sell?), wouldn't that deter investing–since a good return is only about 10% per year?
TRUMP In Part 2 of Cheryl Hersha, she spoke about some possibly alarming gestures Trump would make with his hands. What are your thoughts?
TRUMP can you confirm reports JC Chairman Milley has been replaced as JC by General Berger from the Trump-loyal Marines?
TRUMP It is now April 19 and NO word of Trump or Anything else happening. Is TRUMP RETURNING?
WEATHER WARFARE I heard China asked permission from Biden to test their weather warfare technology over Texas. What do you know about this?
YOUR MOM Sending you and your mom love during this difficult time. As are my 70 year old parents. Lots of love coming your way
Questions Answered in Video Webinars