Edwin Jewett: In just 5,000 posts the secretive QAnon’s ‘storm’ nearly brought down a US president, while it’s gone dark for now, what’s next?


In just 5,000 posts the secretive QAnon’s ‘storm’ nearly brought down a US president, while it’s gone dark for now, what’s next?

A gripping new book follows QAnon from wrongly predicting Hillary Clinton's arrest to a key role in the Capitol riot that left five dead, using a hotchpotch of conspiracy theories and a persuasive ‘future proves past’ narrative.

It was after my youngest daughter, a TikTok devotee, kept asking if I’d seen the video of al the young children being rescued from slavery thanks to Donald Trump that I realised the social media storm created by QAnon had landed on our doorstep.

The videos she had come across were ‘witness’ testimonials centred on just one of QAnon’s cultish beliefs which maintained the wealthy world elites were trafficking in children to be used as sex slaves and harvested for their adrenochrome, which endowed god-like powers upon those who drank it.

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