Jon Ramer: Nashville Compassion Games

Culture, P2P / Panarchy
Jon Ramer
Jon Ramer

OK.  Day Two of the Compassion Games: Survival of the Kindest is happening and we have crossed into new territory.

Here is a beautiful example of how a community — Nashville — can embrace the Compassion Games to raise the spirit and commitment to compassion in action.  Check out the TV coverage, the theme song and how they are embracing putting compassion into action. This is a dream we share coming true. There are over 175 teams participating in this years games!
This challenges the Compassion Games in new ways —  be in appreciation and amplification of what these communities are doing…. people like Dina Capitani are the Compassion All-Stars that we serve….  please give this some thought…. building a platform like this opens up tremendous possibilities for collective impact.  What do you think about this?  Are you are working on Mission Two as a Secret Agent? Game on!

Happy Day Compassion Game Team Organizers, Players and Fans!

What an amazing kick-off event last night! Thank you to everyone who attended!

Among the Highlights were the Random Acts of Kindness Bowl, the “Welcome to  Compassionville Community Art Project” and the new “Compassion Games Theme Song,” co-created by Nashville musicians! Special Thanks goes out to Scarritt Bennett Center for hosting the event and the delicious refreshments. To top it off, we are getting great coverage from the local media.  Check out the article in the Tennessean and last night’s segment on WSMV Channel 4 News!

Now is the time to . . .

  1. Promote your game/event!  Please post your game/event to the website. This will give your game international recognition and inspire other teams with what you are doing. View the Nashville events by searching under #compassionville
  2. Report on the Compassion Map
  3. Share on Social Media – share as much as you can #compassionville
  4. Subscribe to Compassion Games Newsletter and Facebook Page

We now have “Compassion Games Quick Cards” that can be picked up at the MHRC Offices 404 James Robertson Parkway, Ste. 130.  These will be good to pass out at your events.

Please check back often at  to see updates.  Note the new “Spiritual Crawl” Game on 9/21!

Welcome to Compassionate Nashville! #compassionville

Yours truly,

Dina R. Capitani
Compassionate Nashville Coordinator

Financial Liberty at Risk-728x90
