The Indispensable Librarian [57 Slides]
Mary Ellen Bates
Sep 11, 2014
What's the value of priceless? Special libraries return $5.43 for every $1 invested.
See Also:
Mary Ellen Bates @ Phi Beta Iota
Cliff Notes Below the Fold
The Indispensable Librarian
- The Indispensable Librarian Mary Ellen Bates BatesInfo.com 10 Sept 2014
- QUICK POLL How much value does the library add for your organisation? • Not much value • Some value • A lot of value • I don’t know BatesInfo.com 10
- ARE we adding value? Do info pros add “a lot of value”? Info pros: 55% say yes Execs: 34% say yes 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Info pros Execs BatesInfo.com 11
- ft.com/sla 12
- Execs’ top 5 info pain points Info overload Filtering through retrieved info Relevancy of info Up-to-date info Timeliness of info BatesInfo.com 13
- We need insight, not just data 14
- ARE we adding value? Biggest disconnects: Decision-ready information Relationship mindset Communication of value Proactively ID info needs BatesInfo.com 15
- Seeing ourselves as indispensable BatesInfo.com 16
- Can you answer these??? • What are your clients’ biggest pain points? • How do your clients describe your library’s services? • What do you do that changes someone’s outcome? BatesInfo.com 17
- Indispensable info pros What are you to the bottom line? Overhead to be controlled OR Involved in accomplishing strategic goals BatesInfo.com 18
- Indispensable info pros Do you track examples of your impact? What changed as a result of your work? BatesInfo.com 19
- Indispensable info pros Do you know your organisation's strategic goals for 2014? Are you visibly contributing to those goals? BatesInfo.com 20
- To reach and improve the lives of everyone living with cancer and to inspire millions of others to do the same. Macmillan Cancer Support Kate Arnold BatesInfo.com 21
- We provide practical legal advice, along with exceptional client service, and we are renowned in Australia for our down-to- earth and friendly culture. Lander & Rogers Alice Anderson BatesInfo.com 22
- [P]roviding effective and timely legal results, performing as an integrated team and drawing on proven expertise to best fulfil our clients' needs. Piper Alderman Lynne Barrington BatesInfo.com 23
- Talking about value BatesInfo.com 24
- What’s the value of priceless? Special libraries return $5.43 for every $1 invested Where is YOUR compelling value statement? BatesInfo.com 25
- alia.org.au/roispecials BatesInfo.com 26
- “So, what do you do?” I'm a librarian I help people find information I provide high-end information services I enable the discovery of insight BatesInfo.com 27
- Boring messages We save you time/money …to do what??? We have authoritative sources but we already expect that We provide information research blah, blah, blah BatesInfo.com 28
- Promote, don't defend! “The web doesn’t have everything” “The web isn't reliable” “We give you insight, not just a search result.” BatesInfo.com 29
- When you describe yourself… Is it a WHAT or HOW? or is it a WHY? “We search premium databases” or “We provide insights from the outside” BatesInfo.com 30
- HOW or WHY? “We provide research services” or “We help staff make better decisions” “We are experts in finding and organising information” or “We make critical research findable” BatesInfo.com 31
- Emulate the pros See how info companies describe their value… their WHY Benefit from their investment! BatesInfo.com 32
- Dialog helps organisations across the globe seek competitive advantage. LexisNexis enables you to attract more, higher quality clients. Elsevier helps customers advance science and health by providing world-class information. BatesInfo.com 33
- Finding the Wow! “What are your biggest challenges right now?” “What’s keeping you from your biggest goals?” “What would you change in how you make decisions / do your work?” “What keeps you awake at night?” BatesInfo.com 34
- Clients only ask you to do what they think you can do. BatesInfo.com 35
- 5 ways to invent information BatesInfo.com 36
- BYOD: BUILD Your Own Data Search set counts Count mentions of topic over time {topic} AND 2014 {topic} AND 2013 {topic} AND 2012 37
- BYOD: BUILD Your Own Data Search set counts Count mentions of topic over time {topic} AND 2014 {topic} AND 2013 {topic} AND 2012 38
- BYOD: BUILD Your Own Data Google Auto-Complete What are lots of people thinking? Monitor your org’s reputation How can you respond? BatesInfo.com 39
- BatesInfo.com 40
- Google Trends Frequency of search queries over time Narrow by country or local area Also news reference points google.com/trends BatesInfo.com 41
- How would you answer this? Show me how people’s use of the word energy changes over time BatesInfo.com 43
- “energy” searches 2014 44
- “energy” searches 2007 45
- 46 2014 2007 duke energy energy drink kinetic energy solar energy xcel energy progress energy solar energy energy star energy drink wind energy potential energy duke energy renewable energy BatesInfo.com
- Pull out what's noteworthy 47
- Create a time line The history of turducken BatesInfo.com 48
- “But they don’t listen!” Trouble-shooting guide: • Audience—WHO you are talking to • Message—WHAT you say • Method—HOW & WHERE you say it • Timing—WHEN & HOW OFTEN you talk with your market BatesInfo.com 49
- Telling your story BatesInfo.com 50
- Telling your story It's not all about you Benefits, not features Results, not activity BatesInfo.com 51
- Telling your story It's your job to sell, not their job to buy If they don't get it, try other approaches Can your brother / neighbor / spouse tell your story? BatesInfo.com 52
- Elevator speeches BatesInfo.com 53
- Die, elevator speeches, die! Once upon a time… BatesInfo.com 54 54
- Elevator ping-pong A 3-second hook AED (defib) salesperson: “I sell human jumper cables” MEB: “My business is to create my best competition” MEB: “I help my clients look brilliant” BatesInfo.com 55
- Elevator ping-pong A 3-second hook Info pro: “I'm the one who squeezes the library into your smartphone” Info pro: “I find what Google can't find” Info pro: “I make Google smarter” BatesInfo.com 56
- Fill in the Q&A blanks… You know how {describe pain point, in one breath}? Well, I {describe what your clients get, in one breath} BatesInfo.com 57
- Q&A example You know what it's like to walk into a key donor's office and get blindsided? Well, I can brief you the morning of the appointment with the latest on your donor. BatesInfo.com 58
- Q&A example Do you wonder whether you are missing key research? Well, we have ________________ BatesInfo.com 59
- Tell a 3-sentence story The situation What your client got What happened for your client BatesInfo.com 60
- Tell a 3-sentence story 1. Describe your client's situation My client was reviewing jurors for a trial. BatesInfo.com 61
- Tell a 3-sentence story 2. What does your client get from you? I monitored the jurors’ social media profiles and found a juror discussing the case. BatesInfo.com 62
- Tell a 3-sentence story 3. What does your client do as a result? As a result of my work, we were able to remove a juror opposed to our client. BatesInfo.com 63
- Our message: Librarians have strategic info resources Librarians are strategic info experts Librarians are strategic assets BatesInfo.com 64
- and remember… BatesInfo.com 65
- Reluctant-entrepreneur. com 66