Marcus Aurelius: Experts: DoD Could Slash 150K Jobs

Budgets & Funding, DoD, Military
Marcus Aurelius

Experts: DoD could slash 150K jobs

Sean Reilly

Federal Times, 4 December 2011

A reduction in force. More base closings and consolidations. Big cuts to defense intelligence agencies.

All those options affecting the Defense Department's vast civilian workforce would be on the table if automatic across-the-board budget cuts go forward, experts predicted last week.

That workforce, the largest of any federal agency, totals about 790,000, according to the most recent DoD figures. During the next decade, its size could tumble 20 percent to about 630,000, the smallest since the Defense Department's creation in 1947, under a scenario outlined last month by Defense Secretary Leon Panetta in a letter to Congress. The Army, Navy and Air Force employ almost 80 percent of the existing civilian workforce; DoD organizations and the National Guard account for the rest.

Read more.

Phi Beta Iota:  With 46 million Americans on food stamps, this hardly seems cause for alarm.  What should be alarming is the total absence of strategy, intelligence, or integrity in Whole of Government operations.

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