Eagle: USAF Dumps 976 Pieces of 274 Veteran Bodies in Landfill [2003-2008 Reported in 2011]

07 Other Atrocities, Military
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Number of dead U.S. soldiers' remains dumped in landfill sites is revealed by Army… and it's much higher than expected

  • 274 soldiers' remains were thrown in Virginia dump site
  • Total comprised 976 ‘body fragments', says mortuary records

Gavin Allen

MailOnline, 8 December 2011


The scandal at Dover Air Force base began after complaints by three whistleblowers – civilians who worked as embalmers or technicians – who sparked an 18-month investigation by the Air Force Inspector General.

A separate probe was carried out by the Office of Special Counsel, an independent federal investigative agency which looks into claims by whistleblowers.

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