Event: 10-12 Oct 13 Rotterdam Hivos Open for Change


Triggers for change

10-13 October, Rotterdam NL

Open for Change is about new approaches to tackle the deep dividing lines in our societies. You can navigate your journey through the event along four programmatic lines:

  • Triggers for change
  • Tough dilemmas
  • Trial and error
  • Test the tools

At the Open for Change event, we bring together change makers from around the world to share their stories, experiences and tools. Together, we will uncover unusual perspectives and reflect on what has worked – and what hasn’t – to mobilize people to play part in the change they want to see.

Social change towards justice and prosperity cannot do without openness. Yet openness and democratic institutions are no guarantee in themselves for equality and social cohesion. Issues of identity, societal norms and the question of whose voice counts characterize deep polarizations in our societies, whether in the South or the North. While openness in itself would be of great benefit to those suffering from social taboos, such as in the sphere of sexuality, dividing lines continue to exist and need to be addressed differently.

Innovative approaches are not only necessary, they do exist, too. Together, we will uncover triggers for change, discuss the tough dilemmas we face and share what we’ve experienced through ‘trial and error’ – from different local perspectives.

At Open for Change, Hivos brings in partners and experiences from the Pluralism Knowledge Programme: an innovative collaboration between researchers and activists in India, Indonesia, Uganda, South Africa and the Netherlands, addressing issues of discrimination, polarization and unequal rights.

Every participant is warmly invited to share their own ideas on how to contribute to Open for Change. Please contact us and share your idea.

Learn more.

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