George Pór is an advisor to leaders in international business and government. Former Senior Research Fellow at INSEAD, currently he is a PrimaVera Research Fellow in Collective Intelligence at Universiteit van Amsterdam and Publisher of the Blog of Collective Intelligence. His clients include: British Petroleum, EDS, Ericsson, European Commission, European Foundation for Management Development, European Investment Bank, Ford Motor Co., Hewlett Packard, Intel, Siemens, Sun Microsystems, Swiss Re, and Unilever. He can be reached at George(at)
The book would not have been possible without the help of George Por and Tom Atlee, and this is acknowledged at the book's dedication page. It is also understood that the book is a snapshot of the emerging discipline, and that the conversation will continue, assisted by George Por, at
Cultivating collective intelligence: a core leadership competence in a complex world
Interview with Professor Pierre Lévy