9/11 Lee Bracken on US Leader Complicity
BOOK: Cybersecurity and Cyberwar (Brookings Video)
CIA Lawyer: Could Have Stopped Waterboarding
CYBER: 2014 Threat Prison Locker Ransomware
CYBER: Human Rights and Communication Surveillance (PDF)
CYBER: Reporting Armed Violence Made Easier
DRUGS: Myanmar from Bad to Ugly
LIFE: Tech is a Double-Edged Sword (re Human Rights)
MEDIA: John Pilger on Media Hypnosis
Threat: Al Qaeda 3.0 (Reidel @ Brookings)
THREAT: Al Qaeda in Search of a Cause
THREAT: Global Terrorist Threat Growing
WAR: Armed Violence and Disability Epidemics
WAR: Egypt Fights in North Sinai
WAR: US Plan to Move 3,000 Of It's Iranian Terrorists to Romania