Jean Lievens: Consumers – We Don’t Need Our Stuff

Civil Society, Commerce, Ethics
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

Consumers: ‘We don't need our stuff'

By Bruce Horovitz

USA Today, May 12, 2014

Consumers across the globe say they want less stuff.

Half of them say they’d happily live without most of the items they own in a global survey of 10,574 adults ages 16 and up in 29 nations. The survey, titled “The New Consumer and the Sharing Economy,” was done by the communication giant Havas Worldwide and will be released Tuesday.

Seventy percent of those surveyed said that overconsumption  puts the planet at risk.

“Every step of the way, they are practicing less is more — and savoring the less,” says Andrew Benett, global CEO of Havas Worldwide.

Sixty-five percent of those surveyed said society would be better off if people shared more and owned less.

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