Steven Aftergood: CRS on 2020 Electoral College

COUNTING ELECTORAL VOTES (CRS) The procedural steps leading up to inauguration of the next President on January 20, 2021 are described in a recent Congressional Research Service publication. See The Electoral College: A 2020 Presidential Election Timeline, CRS In Focus, October 22, 2020. An updated CRS report describes the joint session of Congress at which …

Steven Aftergood: CIA Closes Down OSINT, Commission Objects

Improved Access to Open Source Intelligence Urged Congress should require the Director of National Intelligence to make open source intelligence more widely available, the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission recommended in its latest annual report. Last June, the former web portal was “decommissioned.” Its contents were transferred to classified or restricted networks that are mostly …

Steven Aftergood: Leaker Intentions Are Ruled Out by Court

A Leaker’s Motives Are Irrelevant, Gov’t Says Disclosing classified information without authorization is a crime even if the leaker had good intentions and was motivated by a larger public interest, the government said this week. Therefore, any mention of the purpose of the disclosure should be ruled out of bounds in trial, government attorneys argued. …