INTELLIGENCE with INTEGRITY: Chapter 5 Systems Thinking & True Cost Economics

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Chapter 5: Systems Thinking & True Cost Economics

Funded by Mark Palermo, Inc.

A.  Thinking & the Truth. 76

B.  Systems Thinking. 77

1.  Overview.. 77

2.  Time & Space in Systems Thinking. 78

3.  Creating & Using a Provisional Model 79

4.  Understanding Risk. 79

5.  Acts of Man: Failures That Turn Disasters into Catastrophes. 79

6.  Systems Thinking & Deliberative Change. 79

7.  Resilience through Panarchy. 79

B.  True Cost Economics. 79

1.  Overview.. 79

2.  Elements of True Cost 79

3.  True Cost of War 79

4.  True Cost of Coal, Cotton, & Sugar 79

5.  True Cost of a Cheating Culture. 79

6.  True Cost of an Idiot Public. 79

7.  True Cost of Losing Faith & Trust 80

C.  On Integrity – and Feedback Loops. 80

D.  Alternative Measures of Merit 80

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01 Preface i-ii


This is the first book in the English language to address intelligence with integrity as a whole systems process, product, and service – as an integral function of both citizen life and the governance of any organization.  Although conceptualized as a result of a lifetime of service in the so-called profession of intelligence, the essence of this book is captured in Ada Bozeman’s timeless insight (1998: 177):

(There is a need) to recognize that just as the essence of knowledge is not as split up into academic disciplines as it is in our academic universe, so can intelligence not be set apart from statecraft and society, or subdivided into elements…such as analysis and estimates, counterintelligence, clandestine collection, covert action, and so forth. Rather … intelligence is a scheme of things entire.

In that light, the following three quotations are helpful in understanding the importance of this work to the future of humanity (Ackoff 2004):

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INTELLIGENCE with INTEGRITY Chapter 4: Four Domains for Applied Intelligence

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06 CH 4.1 Strategy 47-56
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Chapter 4: Four Domains for Applied Intelligence

Funded by Pierre Thibault (ME)

A. Integrity Is a Grand Strategy  47

B.  Grand Strategy  49

C.  Strategy  49

D.  Threats, Goals, Priorities  50

E.  Whole of Government Management  51

F.  Affordable Coherent Acquisition  52

G.  Just Enough Just in Time Operations  53

H.  Strategic Education  53

I.  Strategic Intelligence  54

J.  Strategic Research  54

INTELLIGENCE with INTEGRITY Chapter 3: The Human Factor

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05 CH 3.2 The Human Factor 35-46

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Chapter 3:  The Human Factor

Funded by Richard Wright (NM)


A.  Man as a Psycho-Social Node  35

B.  Forms of Human Organization  37

C.  Domains of Human Organization  39

D.  Predicting Revolution  40

E.  Role of Legitimacy & Trust  41

F.  Power of the Powerless  41

G.  Culture, History, & Language Matter  42

H.  Man as Wild Card  43

This is the most important chapter in the book.  We will not move on until everyone in the class gets it.

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INTELLIGENCE with INTEGRITY Chapter 2: The InfoSphere & Its Enemies

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04 CH 2.4 Information Pathologies 21-34

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Chapter 2: 

The InfoSphere & Its Enemies

Funded by John Dodson (TX) & Peter Thibault (ME)

A.  Cybernetics 101  22

B.  Truth or Not Truth  22

C.  The Evolution of Information Needs  23

D.  Eight Isolated Information Communities  24

E.  Information Cube  25

F.  Information Fragmentation  26

G.  Information Pathologies  27

H.  Sourcing – Art & Science  29

I.  Collective Intelligence  29

J.  The Human Factor – Always  30

K.  Information Challenges  30

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