Election 2008 Chapter: Candidates on the Issues

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SHORT URL: https://tinyurl.com/2008-Issues

This chapter, with a tip of the hat to On the Issues (click on their logo to visit their site), looks at where each of the candidates stands on the multiplicity of issues that are used to divide America, focusing on the 20% where we disagree rather than the 80% where we do agree.  Noteworthy in the graphic that begins the chapter is the fact that only two people stand-out today as truly centrist: Republican-Libertarian Ron Paul, and Pissed-Off-Polpulist Robert Steele.

Click on the cover to see the book in PDF as well as all chapter, click below to see this chapter only.

On the Issues jpeg

On the Issues
On the Issues

Election 2008: Balanced Budget 101

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This chapter draws heavily on the Wiki-pedia coverage of the topic, at the time one of the few topic uncorrupted by editing and ideological wars.  As we have seen in the continuity of operations and philosophies from the Bush-Cheney to the Obama-Biden Administration, the only thing that mattered, who controlled the U.S. Treasury, has not changed: it is still Goldman-Sachs.  Click on the cover for the entire book in PDF as well as all chapters individually, below for this chapter alone.

Balanced Budget 101

Election 2008 Chapter: Call to Arms, Fund We Not Them

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This chapter provides a straight-forward means for restoring self-governance by using modern information and communication technologies to reconnect We the People with both real-world real-time intelligence, and with our tax dollars that are looted the minute we lose sight of them.

Working with Joe Trippi and Jock Gill, among others, we have clearly established that $1 trillion a year is achievable in very small donations from many individuals across the one billion rich.  We do not need governments as intermediaries for funding the big-ticket items–Collective Intelligence has now matured to the point that governments are stupid and the people are not.  As Norman Cousins has noted, only the people can perceive the great truths.  Click on the cover for the entire book, below for this chapter only.

Fund We Not Them
Fund We Not Them