INTELLIGENCE with INTEGRITY Chapter 4: Four Domains for Applied Intelligence

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06 CH 4.1 Strategy 47-56
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Chapter 4: Four Domains for Applied Intelligence

Funded by Pierre Thibault (ME)

A. Integrity Is a Grand Strategy  47

B.  Grand Strategy  49

C.  Strategy  49

D.  Threats, Goals, Priorities  50

E.  Whole of Government Management  51

F.  Affordable Coherent Acquisition  52

G.  Just Enough Just in Time Operations  53

H.  Strategic Education  53

I.  Strategic Intelligence  54

J.  Strategic Research  54

Search: what is dysfunctionalism in public administration

Definitions, Searches

Dysfunctionalism is both a personality disorder and an institutional disorder.  Public administration can refer to the pseudi-discipline of public administation, and to the functions of governance for which the discipline serves as a clerk, offering no normative or pro-functionality frame of reference.

The general definition of dysfunctional is (1) failing to perform the function that is normally expected, (2) unable to function emotionally as a social unit, (3) not functioning normally.

There are three general types of dysfunction in public administration:

01  During the wrong thing wrong.
02  Doing the wrong thing right.
03  Doing the right thing wrong.

Doc (1):  2013 Public Governance Abstract

The 21st Century Intelligence link is persistent within the What Price Integrity Box under Robert Steele's Head Shot. Public Intelligence 3.1

At the very highest level, public administration deals, in theory, with optimizing ends (what do we all want and need) with ways (how can we best achieve our ends) and means (how do we pay for the capabilities and behaviors that lead the the achievement of our ends).

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INTELLIGENCE with INTEGRITY Chapter 3: The Human Factor

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05 CH 3.2 The Human Factor 35-46

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DRAFT 2 of 15

Chapter 3:  The Human Factor

Funded by Richard Wright (NM)


A.  Man as a Psycho-Social Node  35

B.  Forms of Human Organization  37

C.  Domains of Human Organization  39

D.  Predicting Revolution  40

E.  Role of Legitimacy & Trust  41

F.  Power of the Powerless  41

G.  Culture, History, & Language Matter  42

H.  Man as Wild Card  43

This is the most important chapter in the book.  We will not move on until everyone in the class gets it.

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2013 Robert Steele Answers to MA Student in UK — OSINT and Terrorism 2.0

Robert David STEELE Vivas
Robert David STEELE Vivas

Am quite happy to help you as very few really have a mastery of this emerging pillar of 21st Century intelligence.  I am posting this answer at Phi Beta Iota to help others, and will gladly respond to any further questions you might have, respecting your individual privacy.

01)  In identifying and discussing the mechanisms of contemporary terrorism (organisational system, communication, etc.) and establishing a scorecard for how each of the disciplines does against them, you will be severely handicapped because those who spend great sums on secret sources and methods will lie to themselves, to their policy masters, and to the public, in order to protect those budgets.  In my experience, most terrorist events are false flag events organized by the Mossad, the CIA, the FBI, or the local national intelligence or security force, generally under the guise of a drill that has unwitting “patsies” — and of course labeling legitimate opposition and insurgent groups as “terrorists.”

Mini-Me: FBI Spends a Lot of Money on a Retarded Teenager Trying to Stage a Phony Terrorism Plot — We Do Not Make This Stuff Up!

The other problem is of course blatant dishonesty, where everyone in opposition to their government — including now US citizens — can be labeled a terrorist and killed without trial.  We even have Senators who should know better talking about “so-called Americans” as if their citizenship were some how invalidated by opinion.  At the same time, we have governments that make decisions based on bribes from the recipients of taxpayer money, rather than on the needs of the taxpayer, and secret intelligence really does not matter, except as a crutch to justify spending money in criminally insane ways.

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INTELLIGENCE with INTEGRITY Chapter 2: The InfoSphere & Its Enemies

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04 CH 2.4 Information Pathologies 21-34

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Chapter 2: 

The InfoSphere & Its Enemies

Funded by John Dodson (TX) & Peter Thibault (ME)

A.  Cybernetics 101  22

B.  Truth or Not Truth  22

C.  The Evolution of Information Needs  23

D.  Eight Isolated Information Communities  24

E.  Information Cube  25

F.  Information Fragmentation  26

G.  Information Pathologies  27

H.  Sourcing – Art & Science  29

I.  Collective Intelligence  29

J.  The Human Factor – Always  30

K.  Information Challenges  30

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Intelligence with Integrity Chapter 1: Public Governance & Public Intelligence

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03 CH 1.6 Public Governance 3-20

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DRAFT 5 OF 15  Chapter 1: 

Public Governance & Public Intelligence

This chapter funded by Michael Kearns of Colorado.

A.  Why This Textbook?. 4

B.  What Is Public Governance?. 5

C.  Hybrid Public Governance Brings Eight Tribes Together 6

D.  Making A Difference – Four Domains Of Governance. 7

E.  What Is Intelligence?  Why Does It Matter More Now?. 8

F.  Six Challenges Identified In 1990 – Still Not Met 9

G.  Three Eras Of Intelligence. 11

H.  Intelligence As A Process. 12

I.  Intelligence As A Product 14

J.  Intelligence As A Service. 15

K.  The World Of Intelligence. 15

L.  Creating A Smart Nation. 16

N. Theory Of Intelligence. 17

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