Event: 10 Aug Call for Papers Closes, 6-7 Nov in Bologna, Italy The City as a Commons


labgov1We are honored to invite you to participate to the call for papers for the first IASC (International Association for the Study of the Commons)  Thematic Conference on the Urban Commons, “The City as a Commons: Reconceiving Urban Space, Common Goods and City Governance”.  It will take place in Bologna, Italy, on November 6-7, 2015. The conference is organized by LabGov – LABoratory for the GOVernance of commons, a joint partnership between LUISS Guido Carli ICEED and Fordham University Urban Law Center, with the support of the City of Bologna and Fondazione del Monte di Ravenna e Bologna.

Conference Page

Event: 19 Sep San Francisco: United We Stand


The United We Stand Festival 2015 is confirmed to take place at the Belasco Theater, Los Angeles, California on Saturday, September 19th, 2015. The event will take place from 5-10 pm PST and will be broadcast worldwide via freeandequal.org. The Belasco Theater has asked the United We Stand Festival (UWSF) to return after hosting the UWSF ‘14. The Belasco Theater is an official co-host for this historic event, which will kick-off a series of 2016 open presidential debates hosted by the Free and Equal Elections Foundation.

NATO Strategic Foresight Invitation to Participate

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

The Innovation Hub Staff of the NATO Transformation Command in Norfolk, Virginia, invites all who might wish to join the online hub and actively participate brainstorming discussions about what significant changes can be expected over the next fifteeen years in world politics, economics, environment, technology, and human affairs.

The online activities will culminate in a three-day live conference by invitation that is open to all via live streaming. The agenda — and how to register and participate free online — are below the fold.

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Event: 4-5 June NYC Personal Democracy Forum

Micah Sifry
Micah Sifry

This is the top event organized personally by Micah Sifry, whose book, The Big Disconnect: Why the Internet Hasn't Fixed Politics (Yet) is among the handful of “must read” books we recommend this year.

The theme for this year's Personal Democracy Forum, our twelfth since 2004, is “Imagine All The People: The Future of Civic Tech.” We want to take you into a future where everyone is participating, a future that we build together using technology appropriately, powering solutions to shared civic problems. The future is what we make it; at this year's PDF we'll gather to hear from the people who are making civic tech that genuinely matters, and fighting to ensure that everyone gets to benefit. READ MORE

New York City, 4-5 June 2015

Call for Nominations – Open Source Everything Conference in NYC 3-6 December 2015

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

Open Source Everything (OSE)

OSE is a three day conference celebrating the culture and mind-set of open source by bringing together the vast network of ethical souls advancing openness in their fields to share information, inspire cross-sector collaboration, create new teams, networks and goals. For the first time in history: all the opens; UN and others articulating integrated needs statements for open source solutions focused on the 99% including the five billion poorest; and team building at the intersection of energy, water, food, and shelter, and the intersection of communications, computing, digital transactions, education and self-governance.

The plenary session is in the final stages of confirmation along with space for 800 participants in NYC from Thursday 3 December to Sunday 6 December 2015. Nominations are sought for break-out speakers, posters, and tables. Sponsors are offered a $25K package that includes a speaking slot, 25 full- access passes, multiple tables (out of 100-200), and team-building facilitation.


About    Pre-Conference    Plenary Speakers   Nominate