Anthony Judge: Governance of Pandemic Response by Artificial Intelligence

Cultural Intelligence

Governance of Pandemic Response by Artificial Intelligence

Control of human agents unconscious of AI-elaboration of communication scripts?

Role of AI in building models of the pandemic
Humans as agents empowered by an AI with agency?
Development of artificial intelligence by AI: “AI self-development”?
Subtleties of AI agency: how would who know what?
AI articulation of communication scripts used by agents
Neural learning as “new-role learning” in practice: arrogant officiousness?
Herd immunity as an unconscious metaphor for groupthink
Effective elimination of “humanity” as determined by AI?
AI and the paradoxical engagement with singularity

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Matthew Ehret: NATO-philes Demand Obedience to International Treaties While Running Roughshod Over Natural Law

Cultural Intelligence

NATO-philes Demand Obedience to International Treaties While Running Roughshod Over Natural Law

Modern international law is enshrined in certain legal principles outlined in the UN Charter which itself is premised on the right of all nations to full sovereignty and non-interference.

These principles were given even more weight with the addition of the Nuremburg codes which outlined any war of aggression from one state over another to be formally illegal. While one might have thought this to be a rather obvious fact, no one had ever bothered to make it a law before 1947.

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Matthew Ehret: The International Dimensions of 1776 and How an Age of Reason Was Subverted

Cultural Intelligence

The International Dimensions of 1776 and How an Age of Reason Was Subverted

This July 4th, a larger-than-usual shadow is cast upon America which has come face-to-face with some serious historic reckonings. While the existence of an oligarchy and international “deep state” should not be ignored as a political force of history- arranging wars, assassinations and promoting economic enslavement of people and nations throughout the centuries, the guilt cannot entirely be placed on this apparatus. As Shakespeare’s Cassius once said to Brutus “our fate… is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings.”

The mob which Shakespeare mocked as a mindless instrument of tyrants in his play Julius Caesar, has again been deployed in America where George Soros’ funding has turned this social-justice beast against the very republic itself (ironically under the banner of Freedom from Tyranny” of course).

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James Fetzer: Brenton Sanderson, Jews and Competitive Victimhood

Cultural Intelligence

Brenton Sanderson, Jews and Competitive Victimhood

Despite being the wealthiest, most politically well-connected and influential group in Western nations, Jews have assiduously (and successfully) cultivated the notion they have always been, and remain, a cruelly-persecuted victim group deserving of everyone’s profound sympathy. The “Holocaust” narrative has, of course, been central to this endeavor. The entire social and political order of the contemporary West — based on the alleged virtues of racial diversity and multiculturalism — has been erected on the moral foundations of “the Holocaust.” White people cannot be recognized as a group with interests because “never again.” Western nations have a moral obligation to accept unlimited non-White immigration because “never again.” Whites should meekly accept their deliberate displacement (and ultimate extinction) because “never again.”

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Matthew Ehret: A Canada Day Surprise: How a ‘Synthetic Nationalism’ Was Created to Break the US-Russia Alliance

Cultural Intelligence

A Canada Day Surprise: How a ‘Synthetic Nationalism’ Was Created to Break the US-Russia Alliance

As a Canadian author associated with a Canadian geopolitical magazine and a book series rooted in the thesis that Canada is still under the dominance of the British Empire to this very day, the July 1st holiday known as “Canada Day” is a bit of a strange thing to celebrate.

As I have recently written in my articles The Missed Chance of 1867 and the Truth of the Alaska Purchase, July 1st, 1867 was the day the British North America Act was established creating for the first time a confederacy in the Americas devoted to “maintaining the interests of the British Empire” (as our founding constitution makes explicit).

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Edwin Jewett: Divinely Guided Populist Nations & Monetary Reform

Cultural Intelligence

Divinely Guided Populist Nations & Monetary Reform

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi introduced a resolution Monday that would establish a select committee to investigate the Jan. 6 Capitol riots, with an aide floating that she may name a Republican member to it.

The House Rules Committee will consider the resolution Monday, where it is expected to advance to the full House floor. It gives Pelosi the ability to appoint eight members and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy the power to appoint five in consultation with her.

An aide to the speaker said Monday, however, that she is “seriously considering” appointing a Republican as one of her eight picks, meaning that a Trump-critical Republican like Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney or Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger could potentially be named. (RELATED: Pelosi Announces She Will Begin Drafting Select Committee Legislation Into Jan. 6 Riot)

A spokesman for Cheney told the Daily Caller News Foundation that she has not yet spoken to Pelosi about being named to the committee.

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Matthew Ehret: An Open vs Closed System Struggle: The Fight for Continental Water Management in Quebec

Cultural Intelligence

An Open vs Closed System Struggle: The Fight for Continental Water Management in Quebec

While minister of Hydraulic Resources under the leadership of l’Union Nationale Premier Maurice Duplessis(1945-1959), Daniel Johnson championed large scale water and hydroelectric projects, making Quebec into the premier pioneer of hydroelectric engineering in the world.

Prior to Maurice Duplessis, Québec’s break with cultural backwardness that had plagued its population for so long, had been initiated most boldly with Premier Adélard Godbout (1939-1944) and his creation of Hydro Quebec via the nationalization of Montreal Light, Heat and Power Company. Godbout’s collaborator Louis Philippe Pigeon was inspired by Roosevelt’s Tennessee Valley Authority, and began bold programs that unleashed cheap electricity, advanced agricultural technologies and rural electrification, breaking the usurious private stranglehold of Montreal Light, Heat and Power which had been prohibiting development and squeezing the population dry with expensive and unreliable electricity for decades.

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