

D.C. is fenced off and  the President is never going back to the White House. But not for reasons you may be thinking.

Fear not, there will be a new capitol built and an end to income taxes paid to the tax collectors of the Corporation that is now in the hands of a new administration. They went to all the trouble to steal a corporation whose assets are in the process of being seized.  Most did not see this coming for they did not even know their nation was a Corporation. But, it is indeed but now, no more are the states subject to it. Please read on to understand  the nature of the battle we are in.

See full article HERE

Evan Ellis: China and El Salvador: An Update


China and El Salvador: An Update
By Evan Ellis

Evan Ellis

El Salvador’s recognition of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in August 2018 was the third such change
in Latin America following the end of the informal truce that had restrained the PRC’s diplomatic competition with Taiwan between 2008 and 2016. This pivot also precipitated expressions of concern from Washington, whose reaction to prior changes in diplomatic posture by the Varela government in Panama (June
2017) and the Medina government in the Dominican Republic (May 2018) had been more muted. Since
then, El Salvador’s experience with the PRC has been decidedly mixed, reflecting a combination of Central
American economies’ short-term limitations in boosting their exports to China, diplomatic pushback and
counterincentives from the United States, and the PRC’s failure to follow through on some of its promises—not to mention the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic, which devastated the global economy and put projects on hold across the region.


See full pdf  HERE

Yoda: “Burn Your Masks!” Massive Anti-Lockdown Protests Rage Worldwide


Thousands, and possibly tens-of-thousands of protesters across Europe marched on Saturday against continued government lockdowns and other pandemic restrictions based on questionable science – which have resulted in mass unemployment, destroyed small businesses, stoked widespread depression and mental illness, and cost taxpayers trillions to keep the whole ship from sinking.

Read full article HERE

Rabobank: Biblical: Lean and Mean


Author: Berto Jongman

RaboResearch Summary:

  • Key feed and food prices have been pulled to 9-month and 7-year highs
  • We explore the ‘dream’ of Biblical scarcity; its origins and impacts; and draw comparisons with Joseph, the trader and central planner who avoided starvation for ancient Egypt
  • One point is clear: global food insecurity falls heaviest on lower income, importing nations, who spend a far greater share of their income on food than the richer ones
  • The Fed would play an ironic role in this process even as it embraces fighting poverty and inequality alongside inflation
  • This could exacerbate (geo)political risk – potentially even regarding institutional architecture

See entire pdf HERE

Yoda: COVID-19 Canadian Concentration Camps (Quarentine Hotels) Face Legal Challenge


The Canadian Constitution Foundation (CCF) is heading to Ontario Superior Court this morning seeking an injunction to stop the federal quarantine hotels.

The CCF is in court along with five individual applicants who are either seeking to travel imminently, or have just returned from travelling. These five travellers are all seeking to travel or have just travelled for compassionate reasons.

Continue reading HERE