Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon- Where Does It Get AI Technology?


I saw an interesting table from Global Data Financial Deals Database. What’s interesting is that Apple, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft were active purchasers of AI companies. I understand that “taking something off the table” is a sound business tactic. Even if the AI technology embodied in a takeover is wonky, a competitor cannot take advantage of the insights or the people in a particular firm.

See full article HERE

Mongoose: NY Lawmakers Want Answers on 5G Health Risks


For release: Friday, March 26, 2021

Contact: Doug Wood, Director, Americans for Responsible Technology, (516) 883-0887

NYS Lawmakers Want Answers on 5G Health Effects

(Albany, NY) Members of the New York State (NYS) legislature have introduced a bill to establish a special commission charged with investigating the growing evidence linking exposure to radiofrequency (RF) microwave radiation (“wireless radiation”) emitted by 5G and other wireless antennas, with serious human health and environmental impacts. The commission, proposed by NYS Senator Anna Kaplan and NYS Assemblyman Tom Abinanti, will include public
health experts, environmental scientists, and independent electromagnetic radiation researchers.

The commission is slated to report its findings to the legislature by June of 2022.

Read full Press Release HERE

Ed Jewett: Prepare Yourselves: We Are Going to Get Hit With Another


Prepare Yourselves: We Are Going to Get Hit With Another “Pandemic” and More Injections – The SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028

Editor's note: Another “pandemic” is in the planning stages coming through the Johns Hopkins University with backing from the Rockefeller Foundation and the Center for Health Security. Unless we stop this we are literally going to get steamrolled by these people. Under the commercial warfare model with military backing markets are being created where markets don't exist and you are the “enemy combatant.”

Divinely Guided Common Law Republics & Monetary Reform



Mongoose: Doctors Issue Warning on COVID-19 Killer Vaccine


Doctors Around the World Issue Dire WARNING: “DO NOT GET THE COV!D VA((INE”

   COVID19 vaccine should be avoided at all cost | Principia Scientific Intl.

For the first time in the history of vaccination, the so-called last generation mRNA vaccines intervene directly in the genetic material of the patient and therefore alter the individual genetic material, which represents the genetic manipulation, something that was already forbidden and until then considered criminal.

See full article HERE

Stephen E. Arnold: Exchange Servers: Not Out of the Dog House Yet


Here’s a chilling statement I spotted in “Microsoft Servers Being Hacked Faster Than Anyone Can Count”:

Stephen E. Arnold

“This free-for-all [Exchange Server] attack opportunity is now being exploited by vast numbers of criminal gangs, state-backed threat actors and opportunistic “script kiddies… Because access is so easy, you can assume that majority of these environments have been breached.”

See full article HERE