Nik Peachey: Safe Secure Online Discussions

IO Tools
Nik Peachey
Nik Peachey

Nice backchannel tool designed specifically for education.

Backchannel Chat is a class discussion tool that was designed from the ground up to support teachers. Backchannels are great for increasing participation in classroom discussions and for informally assessing your students’ knowledge. Teacher can control all aspects of the discussion, you can remove messages and prevent students from posting, if the pace of the discussion is overwhelming and key messages are lost you can take control and lock the room so that only you can add content. Learn more about Backchannel Chat

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Nik Peachy: TeamUp Calendar for Groups

IO Tools
Nik Peachey
Nik Peachey

This looks like a great tool for organising student projects, timetables or group events. You can even get students to use it as a diary tool and submit their homework straight into it. Best of all it doesn't require registration.

Useful for small and large organizations, profit and non-f[profit, travel planning and gap recognition, space reservations, equipment sharing, process tracking, conference agenda planning, and more.

Click for Home Page
Click for Home Page

Nik Peachy: Tool for Making Posters

IO Tools
Nik Peachey
Nik Peachey

This is a great tool for creating classroom materials or for getting students to show the outcomes of their projects.



Lucidpress is a professional-quality poster maker for everyone. With a library of templates and a drag-and-drop interface, you'll have an attention-grabbing poster made in no time.

Robin Good: Tool to Import, Filter, Visualize, & Publish Any Spreadsheet Online – Silk

IO Tools
Robin Good
Robin Good

Import, Filter, Visualise And Publish Any Spreadsheet Online: Silk

Silk is a web tool to publish online spreadsheet-based data on a specific topic. The service, which just released a new version of its offering, allows to easily convert any existing data-set into professional-looking data displays, charts, grids, and lists that can be embedded on any site and which can be viewed in multiple ways. The value of Silk is specifically in making it easy and immediate for anyone to elegantly display and publish data sets in one of several alternative formats which include:

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