Search: markowitz needs hierarchy


Searches are among the most valuable aspects of this web site, attracting collective intelligence and opening new vistas not otherwise obvious.  Thank you for this search.  After exploring, we now know that it is not the Joe Markowtiz of Community Open Source Intelligence Program (COSPO) distinction, nor it is Maslow's hierarchy of needs….something much more interesting and highly relevant to public intelligence in the public interest.

First, the graphic.

Click on Image to Enlarge

Innovation: The Five Disciplines for Creating What Customers Want by Curtis R. Carlson and William W. Wilmot

Phi Beta Iota: As this is being written, the DVD Temple Gradin is on background. What is becoming so very clear is the immaturity of the Industrial-Era mindset. Stove-pipe non-integrative thinking is killing the Earth and killing humanity.

See Also:

Paul Fernhout: Open Letter to the Intelligence Advanced Programs Research Agency (IARPA)

Search: e veritate potens


Although the search yields appropriate results, this is a good opportunity to highlight the history and intent of the various mottos of this public intelligence endeavor.

Ex Veritate Potens.  This was the motto of the Marine Corps Intelligence Center (MCIA), co-founded by Col Walter J. Breede III and his Special Assistant and Deputy Director Robert Steele.  It was inspired by a mix of the US Naval Academy motto (Breede is USNA '68) and the CIA motto (Steele is a veteran of the CIA clandestine service).

Ex Sciencia Tridens + Ye Shall Know the Truth and the Truth Shall Set You Free (John 8:32)

When Open Source Solutions, Inc. (later Open Source Solutions Network, Inc.) was created, it adopted the informal MCIA motto, only to hear in 1994 from Winston Maiki (RIP) that the Latin was incorrect, that it should be E Veritate Potens (from truth, we (the people) are made powerful).  And so it became.

OSS.Net, Inc. went out of business in 2008 and closed its tax records in 2010.  The motto was adopted by its follow-on, the non-profit 501c3 Earth Intelligence Network, a Virginia corporation that is dormant at this time.

When Phi Beta Iota the Public Intelligence Blog was created a few years ago, several quotations were assembled for the About page, generally focusing on the importance of the truth and the cost of dishonesty and the corruption of the truth.  At that time, founder Robert Steele refined a concept that has been on his mind since beginning to read about true cost economics as devised by Herman Daly, and composed the following:

The truth at any cost lowers all other costs.

More recently, inspired by the work of Doug Rushkoff and Venessa Miemis, and the long-running persistent championship of Michel Bauwens for Person to Person (P2P) global to local engagement, this web site, Phi Beta Iota the Public Intelligence Blog, devised a crude (Google translate) approximation of Connected We Are One: Connexum Sumus Unum.

Other translation sources became available, and Conexa Sunt Unum has been proposed. but not confirmed in part because Sunt appears to be external while Sumus is Of, By, and For We the People.  We await the intervention of a qualified Latin scholar, greatly missing our #1 OSINT Analyst, Winston Maiki.

In passing, Robert Garigue (RIP) is the original pioneer of the concept that all security is about truth–not about force of arms or prevention.  Security is about transparency, truth, and trust.  One could spend a lifetime thinking about and acting on this Nobel-level insight.  He is featured in the Phi Beta Iota Public Intelligence Blog, see Garigue–together with Winston Maiki, he is one of the many angels that watch over this righteous endeavor.

See Also:

About: E Veritate Potens

Search: palestine world map

We start with a book review and an extract:

Review: Nelson’s Complete Book of Bible Maps and Charts

EXTRACT from that Review:

As an intelligence officer, I found myself studying the maps and ultimately noting the following:

a. The Israelites drove out the Cananites, the Philistines (precursors to Palestinians), the Ammonites, the Moabites, and the Edomites. I found myself wanting a book that made the cultures and the history of those “enemy” peoples as clear to one as this book makes the Bible family.

Sykes-Picot Click to Enlarge

b. I also noted the centrality of the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea, and the fact that the Philistines (Palestinians) have never really been dislodged from the Joppa to Gaza coastline and beyond to Pelusium; as well as the area south of Gaza.

Wikipedia (Palestinian People)

The history of a distinct Palestinian national identity is a disputed issue amongst scholars.[20] According to legal historian Assaf Likhovski, the prevailing view is that Palestinian identity originated in the early decades of the twentieth century.[20] The first widespread use of “Palestinian” as an endonym to refer to the nationalist concept of a Palestinian people by the Arabs of Palestine began prior to the outbreak of World War I[21] The first demand for national independence of the Levant was issued by the Syrian-Palestinian Congress on 21 September 1921

. . . . . .

Genetic analysis and historical accounts suggest that the Muslims of Palestine are largely descendants of Christians and Jews from the southern Levant.[19] Since the time of the Muslim conquests in the 7th century, Palestinians have been predominantly Muslim by religious affiliation and linguistically and culturally Arab.[15] Most Palestinians are Sunni Muslims, but there is a significant Palestinian Christian minority of various Christian denominations, as well as Druze Palestinians and a small Samaritan community. Palestinian Jews made up part of the population of Palestine prior to the creation of the State of Israel, but very few identify as “Palestinian” today.

Search: whole earth models


There is only one truly Whole Earth model concept that we are aware of, and that is the one created by Medard Gabel, #2 to Buckminster Fuller in creating the analog World Game, and himself creator of the EarthGame that is a fully integrated part of the Earth Intelligence Network (EIN) “six bubbles” concept for global self-governance.

There are several obstacles to arriving at a Whole Earth model.

1)  Knowledge is fragmented beyond belief.

2)  True cost information is not a standard–as much as 80% of the true cost of a good (e.g. a gallon of gas or a toy make in China) can be externalized to the public–water, fuel, child labor, tax avoidance, social costs, etcetera.

3)  What little information is available to be shared is in stovepipes, not part of the Open Data Access protocol.

4)  Other than the strategic analytic model created by EIN, no one has truly conceptualized an “all in” model for beginning to understand how everything is connected and everything has seventh generation implications.

Here are a few links (below the line):

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