Search: diamond paradigm intelligence steele


Simpler is always better.  This entire site is about intelligence, and steele is the primary author and architect for Era Three in intelligence (Era One was secret war, Era Two strategic analysis–Era Three is smart nations and M4IS2).

Graphic: Linear versus Diamond Paradigm

First developed for the Canadian Association for Intelligence and Security Studies (CASIS) conference in 1994; subsequently published as:

1995 INS 10/4 Private Enterprise Intelligence: Its Potential Contribution to National Security

Search: algeria yemen somalia tribal maps

Searches, Uncategorized

Google Search (Images) works just fine.  The US Government has never been serious about anthropology or ethnic-religious or “peoples” instead of artificial states (the simpleton's approach to international relations).

Below are images for Algeria, Yemen, and Somalia, with source credits.  As Panarchy becomes the primary mode of global self-organization, we should see a diminuition of “state” boundaries (most of them are failed states anyway) and a resurrection of traditional tribal-natural “zones of influence.”  That is a good thing, but stupid governments replete with hubris and the arrogance of ignorance will no doubt fight it.  Open Borders, Open Money, Open Everything.  Coming soon.

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Search: multisource intelligence


This is a provocative search that yields nothing by machine response.  It is an interesting question at multiple levels.

1)  Within the intelligence profession, multisource generally is called “all source” except that secret communities are simply not serious about the most fundamental source of all, Open Source Intelligence (OSINT); they denigrate the Human Intelligence (HUMINT) by doing lip service (liaison from official cover, not real spying); and they don't process what they collect via the technical disciplines that are “out of control” (Imagery Intelligence or IMINT, Signals Intelligence or SIGINT, and Measurements and Signatures Intelligence or MASINT).

From a collection and processing and analytic standpoint, properly done “all source” intelligence demands competence at requirements definition (what do we need to know), collection management (how best to triage among possible sources), processing (machine speed and competent human translation and cultural nuance understanding), and analytics (deep contextual knowledge on the shelf, enhanced intuition, skilled blending and extrapolation).  The US Intelligence Community does none of these.  It is instead an archipelago in which everyone fights over inputs and no one is held accountable for outputs or a process that optimizes the timeliness and utility of outputs.

2)  Outside the secret world, multisource intelligence could be, should be, concerned with assuring the collection and understanding of all possible points of view, what is called 360 degree analytics.  To take the Spratley Islands as an example, a good understanding would require multi-lingual access to Chinese, Vietnamese, Philippine, and other sources, including external parties such as  the US and Australia, and it should ideally also go back in time to study the consistency or inconsistency of policy and informal statements over the past 50-100 years.

Below are a few graphics (direct ones in bold):

Continue reading “Search: multisource intelligence”

Search: forbidden knowledge blogs


Crummy result on Phi Beta Iota:

Worth a Look (DVD): The Day Before Disclosure

Should have pulled up at least these two books and the list:

Review: Forbidden Knowledge–From Prometheus to Pornography

Review: Hidden Truth–Forbidden Knowledge

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Disinformation, Other Information Pathologies, & Repression

Human in the loop add-ons:

Review: Imperial Secrets–Remapping the Mind of Empire

Review: Censorship of Historical Thought–A World Guide, 1945-2000

Review: Disclosure–Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History

Not at Phi Beta Iota, the Blog called The Forbidden Knowledge

Search: utilization osint resource guide


Not the language we've been using.  OSINT Handbook gets you there.  In any event, here are the two “top guns” plus the Handbooks:

2011 OSINT Discovery Toolkit–Reuser’s Repertorium

2010 Handbook Online for Internet Tools and Resources for Creating Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) by Dr. Ran Hock, Chief Training Officer, Online Strategies, Inc.

Three still standard guides:

2009 OSINT Links Directory by Ben Benavides

2004 Special Operations Forces OSINT Handbook (Strawman)

2000-2002 NATO OSINT Handbooks

All of the above at one post with four other index links:

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Starting Point

The Handbooks (Also In Middle Column and Index):

Search: graphic for future it vision

Advanced Cyber/IO, Autonomous Internet, Searches

Probably looking for this graphic:

Robert Garigue & Robert Steele: From Old IO to New IO

See Also:

OpenBTS GSM Simplified — Freeing Humanity

Reference: The Web as Epoch B Leadership

Reference: Advanced Cyber-IO (First Cut)

Seven Answers–Robert Steele in Rome

2010: Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Trilogy Updated

2010 M4IS2 Briefing for South America — 2010 M4IS2 Presentacion por Sur America (ANEPE Chile)

Search: ladder of inference senge


Searches are how we harness the distributed intelligence of our visitors.  Thank you for this.  On this site, the search produces one reference to Senge:

Review: The Necessary Revolution–How individuals and organizations are working together to create a sustainable world.

On the wider web, your search helps bring back to this site and its collective, the following, remixed in descending order of brevity and utility; multiple sources suggest this concept and primary diagram were developed by Chris Argyris then presented by Peter Senge in The Fifth Discipline.

Ladder of Inference: Short Circuiting Reality, One Screen, Three Images
Gene Bellinger, showing how beliefs & assumptions lead to data exclusion

Up and Down the Ladder of Inference (Best Look at Role of Diversity in Group Thinking)
Bob Larcher, January 2007, PDF Three Pages

The Ladder of Inference (Original Excerpt), One Screen, No Images
Senge, Kleiner, Roberts, Ross, Smith, The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook, 1994

The Ladder of Inference: How assumptions can cause miscommunication
Yvonne F. Brown, JAD Communications International, 7 pages, undated

See Also:

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