Search: davies j-kurve

About the Idea, Searches

Spelling matters.  <davies j-curve> produces a number of hits, here is the top one:

Search: davies j 1969 curve

The core point made by Davies with his J-Curve is that people do not revolt when they are oppressed beyond belief; they revolt when they see the light at the end of the tunnel and then are pushed back.  The Internet and cell phones have shone a light on the world like no other.  Between RapidSMS, flash mobs, Twitter real-time intelligence, and all else, the revolution has begun.

Search: budszko


We are finding that an open web search for the term plus phibetaiota, e.g. <budsko phibetaiota> yields results that cannot be achieved inside WordPress despite our use of the tag feature for all authors. The correct spelling helps: budzko not budszko, but the outside search did yield results with “close enough” spelling.

Here is what you were looking for.

Policy Archives on Public Intelligence (1992-2006)

and within that

Russian View of Electronic Open Sources and How to Exploit Them

Budzko was at the time the MajGen in the KGB responsible for Information Technology, and was a world-class contributor to the dialog.

Search: “the central problem of our time” Steele

About the Idea, Officers Call, Searches

Journal: Politics & Intelligence–Partners Only When Integrity is Central to Both

Robert Steele as posted 13 October 2009.  The below paragraph is cited in Kent C. Myers, Reflexive Practice: Professional Thinking for a Turbulent World (New York, NY: Palgrave McMillan, 2010); p. 86.

The central problem of our time is the failure of human organization–its failure to scale, to adapt, to assimilate.

We believe the failure stems directly from a rejection of diversity and a falsification of feedback loops–the absence of integrity.

We’ve come to the conclusion that the discord between politics and intelligence is contrived–there is no inherent opposition between politics (choice of best path for all) and intelligence (presentation of best achievable truth for all) provided ONE condition is met: integrity among the majority of individuals engaged in each.

If intelligence loses its integrity and allows itself to be politicized or worse, ignored, then intelligence fails.  Similarly, if politics loses its integrity and overplays the secrecy card while also shutting out the diversity of views that are essential to achieving a sustainable consensus, then politics fails.

See Also:

About the Idea: Dr. Kent Myers Dissects Intelligence Reformer Robert Steele

Search: american jihad


WordPress produces stuff in reverse chronological order.  American Jihad, by Steve Emerson, was published 28 January 2003 and reviewed16 February 2003, which puts it at the very end of a long list of other relevant hits.  This search focus will ensure it comes up fast next time.

Graphic: American Jihad Nodes

Review: American Jihad–The Terrorists Living Among Us

The below book may have drawn on Steve Emerson's accomplishments as if they were the author's.  It is never-the-less a superb book that complements the work by Steve Emerson.

Review: Terrorist Hunter–The Extraordinary Story of a Woman Who Went Undercover to Infiltrate the Radical Islamic Groups Operating in America

See Also:

Wikipedia Steve Emerson

Continue reading “Search: american jihad”

Search: price cost of humint


If the search is intended to find Steele's quote on the relative cost of HUMINT in comparison to all other (technical) INTs, the best search is on Google for <pdf steele HUMINT “fraction of the cost”>.  If you are looking for the Joe Markowitz' slide on relative cost versus satisfaction of the various INTs, from CIA/CRES in 1994, as modified by Steele, that is below, immediately following the Steele original on collection short-falls.  In conjunction with this, see the Graphic on Intelligence Maturity.  HUMINT can and should play bigger, but certainly not the way CIA and DoD are fumbling about.

Graphic: Global Intelligence Collection Failure

Graphic: Global Intelligence Processing Failure

Graphic: Intelligence Maturity Scale

Here are Phi Beta Iota hits where you can extract quotes:

The HUMINT Trilogy (all three but especially Fixing White House aznd Intelligence Community)

Information Operations: Putting the “I” Back Into DIME

See Also:

Graphic: Updated Full-Spectrum HUMINT

Graphic: Human Intelligence (HUMINT) J-2 Central

Graphic: OSINT and Full-Spectrum HUMINT (Updated)

Graphic: OSINT, Missions, & Disciplines

Graphic: OSINT, We Went Wrong, Leaping Forward

Key Points:

1.  HUMINT integrates processing and analysis at every step of the cycle


3.  Intelligent intelligence starts with OSINT, then manages HUMINT & TECHINT

4.  Return on Investment (RoI) matters–most TECHINT is relatively worthless in today's environment where commercial monitoring is vastly cheaper in part because of burden-sharing, and the costs of secrecy and stove-piping far outweigh the dubious advantages.