Search: leadership ethics + RECAP

Robert David STEELE Vivas
Click Here to See Personal Page

ROBERT STEELE:  “Intelligence without integrity is not intelligence.”  For some time now the following post, recently re-titled, has been the primary outcome of the frequent searches for the word “integrity.”

2010 Robert Steele: Reflections on Integrity UPDATED + Integrity RECAP

Leadership ethics is a two part challenge.  Bosses are not leaders, merely slave-drivers, and often ignorant as well, persisting in archaic sources and methods because that is all they know.  Leaders play a 360 degree facilitating role, nurturing — in the intelligence community context — consumers ignorant about the value of intelligence as decision support tailored to each individual consumers needs — one size fits all is Stone Age  —  “leader” peers lost in their own disciplines or sub-disciplines and lacking in the coherent holistic understanding needed to make a community out of what is now an archipelago of isolated stovepipes — and subordinates who have a right to be constantly learning and afforded full access to all sources of information in all languages, not the thin gruel we force feed them today while isolating them from reality and full spectrum Human Intelligence (HUMINT) and Open Source Intelligence (OSINT).

Ethics is about transparency, truth, and trust.  Double-dealing is the norm now in most intelligence communities, relying on secrecy to avoid accountability.  Ethical leaders need to have a grip on reality and not just be super-empowered clerks processing dollars to no good public end, only the ends of the recipients of taxpayer dollars and the corrupt legislators that perpetuate capabilities we do not need, cannot afford, and that do not in any event work as advertised.

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Search: Seven CIAs [Steele on the Record]


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Robert David STEELE Vivas
Click on Image for Bio Page

ROBERT STEELE:  I am answering this one personally since I have made reference to the six CIAs in the past (now seven with the drone element).  I do this in part because I am reluctant to believe that CIA Directors are totally aware of and complicit in the drug running and money-laundering that CIA has been doing since Viet-Nam began.  I do believe that prior Directors going back to Allen Dulles were fully complicit in the use of the Black Lily fund to restore fascists into power in Germany, Italy, and Japan, and to create the false-flag terrorists that Ed Lansdale pioneered, but now I pray that today most misdeeds are carried out by small persistent cadres that leverage their presence within CIA to co-opt military assets and legitimate CIA capabilities and accesses (for example, the diplomtic pouch) while doing evil for profit.  The plain fact is that CIA has ZERO in the way of internal counter-intelligence, and the FBI, CIA, and DEA all have a live and let live arrangement that prevents absolute integrity from taking root.  All of this is “out of control” and far removed from what President Harry Truman intended when he established the CIA.  Note for the record:  I believe Petraeus should be re-instated as Director of CIA, and clean house — CIA needs leadership that can make holistic analytics and open sources & methods the priority, while slamming down on illegal operations and creating a very small agile multinational clandestine capability before the DIA, SOCOM, and DHS spies get too expensive (they will never be effective).  Beyond that, what we really need is a Director of National Intelligence appointed and confirmed to do themselves out of a job, retiring the entire DNI staff, while restoring the original DCI position and implementing as many of the Aspin-Brown and as many of my recommendations as possible.

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Search: serious game citizen intelligence


Three complementary threads — citizen participation, harnessing distributed citizen intelligence, and connecting all citizens with all information in all languages all the time.

Graphic: 24/7 Participatory Budget-Policy

Graphic: Citizen-Centered Intelligence I

Graphic: Citizen-Centered Intelligence II (Warning)

Graphic: Six Circles–Earth Intelligence Network Operational Concept

2007: Earth Intelligence Network Concept

See Also:

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Search: benghazi compound map

Click on Image to Enlarge

The one result is unsatisfactory.  Human in the loop: this is all we have, previously posted within below headline.  The photo is mis-labeled.  There was and there is no consulate in Benghazi.  It was a CIA base focused on arms smuggling to the Syrian rebels.

Penguin: Close Overhead Photograph of US “Consulate” in Benghazi — Looks More Like a CIA Villa

See Also:

Graphic: Benghazi Fiasco UPDATED II w/ Marines (FAST Yes, MEU/MSG No) & 173rd Airborne ( – ) + RECAP Adding Bimbo-Gate