New Blog: Open Source Everything for the 21st Century (OSE-21) — Free Subscription, No Advertising

#OSE Open Source Everything
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A new blog has been activated, Open Source Everything for the 21st Century (OSE-21). It will offer three posts a day while also seeking to fill in the pages below with substantive information and links:


Open Source will not be addressed henceforth by Phi Beta Iota.

Robert James Beckett: Evgeny Morozov Calls Out Silicon Valley on Basic Income – Empty Words

Money, P2P / Panarchy
Robert James Beckett
Robert James Beckett

Silicon Valley talks a good game on ‘basic income’, but its words are empty

The radical idea of handing cash to citizens regardless of whether they work has taken root in Europe. Now America’s tech elite is backing the concept – but why?

Basic income, therefore, is often seen as the Trojan horse that would allow tech companies to position themselves as progressive, even caring – the good cop to Wall Street’s bad cop – while eliminating the hurdles that stand in the way of further expansion. Goodbye to all those cumbersome institutions of the welfare state, employment regulations that guarantee workers’ rights or subversive attempts to question the status quo with regards to the ownership of data or the infrastructure that produces it.

Koko: Samsung Open Source Group

#OSE Open Source Everything

Work in progress.

The Comprehensive Guide to Open Source for Business

Open source is quickly becoming a business imperative, whether that means its use, development, or both. Any business that leads their industry over the coming decades will most likely do it through open source. This comprehensive guide takes a look at what is required for a business to successfully collaborate with open source communities and leverage open source technology to advance the company.

Sean Brizendine: Equality and Governance on the Blockchain — No, Government Cannot Confiscate and Control….

#OSE Open Source Everything
Sean Brizendine
Sean Brizendine

When it comes to Blockchain technology everyone is equal. Sure some might have more hash power than others but that does not mean that that they are unequal because there is nothing stopping them from obtaining more hashes themselves if need be. For instance, if the Governments were to embrace Bitcoin or Ethereum or others of their ilk, they would just appear from the outside to be like another giant mining pool with giant farmed style CryptoCurrency mining spread out in various different locations.

Continue reading “Sean Brizendine: Equality and Governance on the Blockchain — No, Government Cannot Confiscate and Control….”

Jean Lievens: Grantham Centre for Sustainable Futures – Entropy and Societal Change

Design, Economics/True Cost, Resilience
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

Entropy calculation to help understand societal change

Grantham Centre for Sustainable Futures, The University of Sheffield

A missing ingredient in our understanding of human influence on global environmental change is the quantitative measure of the energy interactions of societies operating under varied technological and geographical conditions. This project seeks to employ the archaeological and historical data for the comparative investigation of energy use in different societies.

The project lies at the interfaces between physics, archaeology and ecology and it will be addressed by developing models to calculate entropy generation rates within the case study systems. Entropy generation (as opposed to energy use) allows the “quality” or “usefulness” of different energy resources to be measured. Learn more.

Antechinus: Spain activists, whistleblower creating digital pay system

Access, Economics/True Cost, Money, Politics

Spain activists, whistleblower creating digital pay system

The French whistleblower and Spanish anti-corruption activists who triggered an investigation of a former International Monetary Fund chief announced Thursday they are designing a digital payment system aimed at excluding middlemen companies that make money from online purchases. Herve Falciani and the Xnet group say their nonprofit, peer-to-peer payment system would work like PayPal on a local basis within European cities for citizen payments to participating businesses and governments.

Yoda: Open Source Exploding in China

#OSE Open Source Everything

yoda with light saberTencent and Why Open Source is About to Explode in China

. . .   Three of the biggest internet companies in the world are actually based in China – Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent – collectively known as “BAT.” . . . One key enabler of this innovation is their growing embrace of open source platforms. The innovation coming from the highly admired BAT companies is also having a ripple effect across the Chinese market – inspiring Chinese telcos, enterprises, and equipment manufacturers to also look to open technologies to gain agility and cost savings.