John Steiner: Daniel Elsberg “Defeat Romney Without Illusions About Obama”

John Steiner

Defeat Romney, Without Illusions About Obama

By Daniel Ellsberg, Reader Supported News

Reader Supported News (rsn), 18 October 12

t is urgently important to prevent a Republican administration under Romney/Ryan from taking office in January 2013.

The election is now just weeks away, and I want to urge those whose values are generally in line with mine — progressives, especially activists — to make this goal one of your priorities during this period.

Daniel Ellsberg

An activist colleague recently said to me: “I hear you're supporting Obama.”

I was startled, and took offense. “Supporting Obama? Me?!”

“I lose no opportunity publicly,” I told him angrily, to identify Obama as a tool of Wall Street, a man who's decriminalized torture and is still complicit in it, a drone assassin, someone who's launched an unconstitutional war, supports kidnapping and indefinite detention without trial, and has prosecuted more whistleblowers like myself than all previous presidents put together. “Would you call that support?”

My friend said, “But on Democracy Now you urged people in swing states to vote for him! How could you say that? I don't live in a swing state, but I will not and could not vote for Obama under any circumstances.”

My answer was: a Romney/Ryan administration would be no better — no different — on any of the serious offenses I just mentioned or anything else, and it would be much worse, even catastrophically worse, on a number of other important issues: attacking Iran, Supreme Court appointments, the economy, women's reproductive rights, health coverage, safety net, climate change, green energy, the environment.

I told him: “I don't ‘support Obama.' I oppose the current Republican Party. This is not a contest between Barack Obama and a progressive candidate. The voters in a handful or a dozen close-fought swing states are going to determine whether Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are going to wield great political power for four, maybe eight years, or not.”

As Noam Chomsky said recently, “The Republican organization today is extremely dangerous, not just to this country, but to the world. It's worth expending some effort to prevent their rise to power, without sowing illusions about the Democratic alternatives.”

Read full article.

Phi Beta Iota:  We disagree.  Obama has so thoroughly abandoned all pretense of change that it would take a series of truly extraordinary moves in the next two weeks — including a new Vice President, a Coalition Cabinet, a commitment to ending all taxes in favor of the Automated Payment Transaction (APT) Tax, and of course the Electoral Reform Act of 2012 — to give him the slightest credibility.  Much more likely is that the election will be stolen, Obama will do an Al Gore and retire quietly to Chicago to count his gold certificates, and America will have another four years to contemplate the true cost of individual disengagement.

See Also:

Greg Palast, Billionaires & Ballot Bandits: How to Steal an Election in 9 Easy Steps (Seven Stories, 2012)

We the People Reform Coalition

Eagle: British Labor and US Labor – Coming Together? Becoming Pirates? Arghhh.

Economics/True Cost, Politics
300 Million Talons…

How American and British workers can fight for a fairer economic system

The time has come for workers in the UK and US to campaign in unison for economic alternatives

The Guardian,

This weekend, the British labour movement will be marching in London for a future that works. Two weeks later, in the United States millions of workers and their unions will be mobilising for our national election in critical states such as Ohio, Massachusetts and Wisconsin. These mobilisations may not seem surprising, but behind them lies a serious rethinking of the economic and political strategy on labour issues in both countries.

It was the UK and the US that gave birth to the economic ideas and the financial practices that led to the global economic crisis. Five years into the crisis, workers in both countries have paid a terrible price through lost jobs and incomes, while the incomes and assets of the wealthiest in both countries have largely recovered to their pre-crisis levels. But we have learned a few things from this experience.

Continue reading “Eagle: British Labor and US Labor – Coming Together? Becoming Pirates? Arghhh.”

Eagle: Scottish Independence: ‘Lower defence bill’ after independence

P2P / Panarchy, Politics
300 Million Talons…

Scottish Independence: ‘Lower defence bill' after independence

Scottish taxpayers could pay about £1.5bn a year less for defending an independent Scotland than they currently pay towards UK defence spending, according to a report.

The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) study claimed annual costs could be cut from £3.3bn to about £1.8bn.

The report outlined the idea of a “relatively modest” independent Scottish defence structure.

It would be comparable in strength and size with other small European states.

Read full article.

Continue reading “Eagle: Scottish Independence: ‘Lower defence bill' after independence”

Eagle: Britain, Scotland Agree to Independence Vote

300 Million Talons…

Britain, Scotland sign deal to allow independence vote

LONDON – Britain and Scotland signed an accord Monday paving the way for a historic vote for independence that could see this island’s northern lands stand alone for the first time in three centuries as Europe’s newest sovereign state.

Monday’s accord effectively launches a critical two-year independence campaign during which the Scottish National Party — whose surprise victory in regional elections last year laid the path for a referendum — will go toe-to-toe against those fiercely opposed to rupturing modern Britain.

Read full article.

Tip of the Hat to Sultan Saini at Google+.

Phi Beta Iota:  Huge.  There are 5000 secessionist movements resulting from artificial  political borders and economic predation imposed at the point of a gun.  2012 is year one in the world “re-booting.”  Regardless of how the vote goes, the world is moving rapidly toward self-determination at the provincial level while governments and other structured forms of coordination are replaced by unstructured informaion sharing and transparent sense-making.

See Also:

2013 Public Governance in the 21st Century: New Rules, Hybrid Forms, One Constant – The Public

2011 Thinking About Revolution in the USA and Elsewhere (Full Text Online for Google Translate)

Allott, Philip (2002).  The Health of Nations: Society and Law beyond the State (Cambridge University Press)

Journal: Reflections on Integrity UPDATED + Integrity RECAP

Search: solutions for prosperous world

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Self-Determination & Secession

Michel Bauwens: Global Noise takes on austerity: ‘We are not going to be silent’

P2P / Panarchy, Politics
Michel Bauwens

Global Noise takes on austerity: ‘We are not going to be silent'

Demonstrators across the world are calling for an end to austerity as Global Noise protests kick off in more than 30 countries, including many in the Nobel Peace laureate European Union.

­The worldwide demonstrations on Saturday passed without incident, and Caleb Maupin from the International Action Centre explained what's driving the public to take to the streets.

RT: A year ago Occupy Wall Street spread across the world, and now it’s Global Noise. What is Global Noise all about? How is it different?

Click on Image to Enlarge

Caleb Maupin: Basically, Global Noise is saying we are not going to be silent. Because right now the banks are coming for us – they are cutting all of the programs. There is mass unemployment. There is cutting in government spending and the governments of the world are just having to pay back the banks.

And in the process, our future is being destroyed. It is impossible to get an education in this country without a rising debt.  What we are saying is that we are going to be a global noise. We are the next generation, the youth part of the working class as our future is being destroyed. We are not going to silently sit back and let them destroy our future. We are going to be loud. We are going to be confrontational and we are going demand that this stop.

Austerity is a crime against the people. These cuts are a crime against us, and we are going to demonstrate and we are going to oppose it.

Read full transcript.

Phi Beta Iota:  The Pirates Party went from 0 to 58 countries in 3.5 years, propelled substantially by taking 25% of the youth vote.

Eagle: Pirate Party International & Pirate Party USA

P2P / Panarchy, Politics
300 Million Talons…

Worth a look.

Pirate Party is a label adopted by political parties in different countries. Pirate Parties support civil rights, direct democracy and participation, reform of copyright and patent law, free sharing of knowledge (Open content), information privacy, transparency, freedom of information, free education, universal health care and a clear separation between church and state.[citation needed] They advocate network neutrality and universal, unrestricted access to the Internet as indispensable conditions to some of this.


Pirate Parties International Logo

The Pirate Parties International (PPI) is an organization supporting the Pirate Parties around the world. The PPI offers a common resource for international collaboration and can provide help to form a local party in your country.  The PPI is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) that exists to help establish, to support and promote, and to maintain communication and co-operation between Pirate Parties around the world. It was officially founded in 2010 during the Brussels conference from April 16th to 18th.

Home Page:

Pirate Party USA

The Pirate Party is an American political party founded in 2006 by Brent Allison and Alex English. The party's platform is aligned with the global Pirate movement, and supports reform of intellectual property laws to reflect open source and free culture values, government transparency, protection of privacy and civil liberties, rolling back corporate personhood and corporate welfare, evidence-based policy, and egalitarianism and meritocracy based on the hacker ethic.  The party's national organization has existed in multiple incarnations since its 2006 founding. Its most recent is the Pirate National Committee (PNC), formed in 2012 as a coalition of state parties. The PNC officially recognizes Pirate parties from 8 states,[3] and tracks and assists the growth of more state parties throughout the United States.


United States Pirate Party: The party strives to reform laws regarding copyright and patents. The agenda also includes support for a strengthening of the right to privacy, both on the Internet and in everyday life, and the transparency of state government.


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