Mongoose: Deep Fake China Bullshit from Mossad, MI-6, & CIA


The below “secret speech” by a Chinese general is a deep fake.  A covert disinformation program from the Mossad, MI-6, and the CIA, all working very hard to distract the public from the reality that the greatest threat to the USA is represented by the Mossad, MI-6, and CIA on behalf of the Zionists and the Deep State.

China is not the main enemy.  The main enemy is right here, right now, in our face, and doing everything it can to distract us from that basic fact. Ben Fulford has this to say:

The Chinese do not want war because time is on their side. Only when the West revamps its financial and economic system to remove the Zionists will it be able to compete the East. Finally, in thousands of years, the Chinese were never invaders.

DOC (19 Pages): The Secret Speech of General Chi Haotian

The various stories about a 500,000 Chinese army being prepared to invade the USA (or the UN or NATO) are all crap — covert action crap for weak minds.

Ed Jewitt: Transcription of Scamdemic (Video at End)


“What we are actually seeing is the systematic implementation of the fall of the Republic and the rise of the Corporation of the United States.  Every major event is a step on the ladder to achieve that end; COVID is just another rung on the ladder, which is why there is a deliberate mixing of all the word play.

We should stop calling it quarantine; that’s the term designed for people who are verified sick; this is house arrest, mandated by the state.  We should stop call it “social distancing”; there is nothing social about forced isolation. Continue reading “Ed Jewitt: Transcription of Scamdemic (Video at End)”

Robert Steele: COVID-19, Global Economic Re-Set, Sun Belt, Trump’s Re-Election Challenges


Catherine Austin Fitts – We are Watching the Mother of All Debt Entrapments via Alexandra Bruce

“once you understand Covid-19 as part of the currency war, everything makes much more sense”

A Sun Belt time bomb threatens Trump’s reelection

To mask and live in fear, or not to mask and live free or die, that is the question.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: COVID-19, Global Economic Re-Set, Sun Belt, Trump's Re-Election Challenges”